The part of my ascension story I don’t like to share

How my Dark Nights of the Soul led me to a thriving 7-figure business

Here is the part of my story I don’t talk about often. It’s my dark night(s) of the soul. Some of my hardest moments. My biggest lessons.

I’m sharing it with you because it’s about TRANSFORMATION and REBIRTH. And it can help you too. It’s how I’ve come to know myself to be a Mage. It was a key milestone in my hero’s journey of unlocking my super-powers.

We are all asked to go on our own version of the hero’s/heroine’s journey, and my story is not better or worse than yours. We each experience the initiations differently. We all have to go through the initiations that WE CREATE FOR OURSELVES to get to a higher level of self.

Also, know that our stories are related to the Creation Codes in our Soul Blueprint. Your own version of rebirth depends on your Soul Blueprint.

My Soul Blueprint has Creation Code 17-8 in both physical and spiritual challenge positions. I also have a 13-4 in Soul Destiny. I have lived the life of a 17-8 and 13-4 and continue the work of transforming the Codes into my greatest strengths.

Deep breath…

Out of alignment and running out of luck

It was about 14 years ago, at age 28, as I was going through my Saturn Return. I was a business manager at Porsche, had a decent level of success, a good 6 figure salary, all the trappings - even a new car (a Porsche) every six months. I was living in London with a couple of friends.

On the surface, I had everything going for me. To the outsider, I was doing well. But on the inside, I was a train wreck.

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To my friends and family, I was on a path of destruction - living two lives, one at work and another at home. I was living recklessly, getting crazy drunk every weekend, acting outrageously, very unpredictable and unbalanced. I was heading for a cliff, full speed ahead.

Overwhelmed with anxiety, feeling tortured from the inside out, not knowing how to cope with my inner turbulence, and, unbeknownst to me, carrying dark energy that didn’t belong to me, I was having difficulty committing to being here, in this life, in this body, on this planet.

You see, I felt different from a very young age, having psychic experiences as a child, being incredibly energy sensitive. This led to anxiety and depression - I used to have five panic attacks a day at one point, was agoraphobic, not possessing the coping mechanisms to act responsibly and deal with the pain. So I had turned to drink. And that had created a huge emotional dependency.

My relationship with myself was completely fractured.

I was struggling to go to work each day. Often I would wake up with an overwhelming sense of impending doom. I was anxious, afraid, sometimes not knowing how I would make it through the day.

It got so bad that eventually I got referred by a senior doctor to go into rehab. Everything was set, but because I delayed my admission to finish up work projects, the insurance company denied my claim and refused to pay for the costly treatment. I was on my own with no support system or hope of getting better. I felt it was only a matter of time before my luck ran out.

When rock bottom has a trap door

In a desperate attempt to find something more stable, I moved from London to the same village my dad lived in, out in the countryside with plenty of room for the dog I’ve always wanted.

Indi, my incredible cocker spaniel, has been a major catalyst in my journey. Many animals come to us to be healers, and Indi definitely is a healer for me.

My intentions to look after Indi couldn’t have been more pure and more loving. I longed to care for him, look after him and give him the best possible life that I could. But what happened one weekend changed everything.

I was alone and feeling very turbulent on the inside. I went to the local pub (to try and balance myself...) and got out of my head drunk. I invited people - strangers - back to my house to continue the party. Indi was there, stuck in his crate, as people were drinking and doing drugs around him.

One of the girls at the party thought to move his crate (thank God). But it wasn’t me. I had totally failed him as his mum.

(The 13-4 I have in Soul Destiny is supposed to represent the Divine Mother. What irony. But this is transformation we’re talking about...)

The following day, panic, fear, shame, and guilt set in as I woke up to the realisation of my reckless and irresponsible behaviour the night before. I promised to keep him safe. I was responsible for his health, his well-being. I was his MUM.

The thought gripped me: “If you can do this to your dog, you’ll do it to your child if you have one in the future.”

Photo by Peter de Vink from Pexels

Photo by Peter de Vink from Pexels

Clarity rises with the sun: A new day, a new way

And I knew at that moment it was true. I couldn’t trust myself. I began to spiral down into a very dark place.

I was asking myself, “What is wrong with me? Why do I keep getting into these messes?”

A moment of clarity came from outside of me, but what I have come to realise, it was actually from deep within - my soul, my intuition, my divine.

“It’s your drinking.”

I heard it loud and clear. And I went to Alcoholics Anonymous the next day. That was the start of my journey to recovery.

Pain always transmutes into purpose.

I THREW myself into recovery. For the next 8 years, I ate, drank, breathed, and slept inner work and recovery. I started getting better from the inside. I started TRANSFORMING into the person I’d forgotten I was. The person I never felt I could be.

Responsible. Kind. Loving. Thoughtful. Safe.

A good daughter. And a good doggie mum too.

This is one of the life experiences I’ve had that now helps me guide others through their own personal transformations and rebirths.

Still now, when I tap into what I’ve created in my life and in my mission since those dark days, it could make me cry.

What nearly breaks you is your breakthrough, and it drives you to bring your mission online.

There were many more initiations, but now that I’ve come through another key transition (aged 35-42) to understand myself as a Mage, a Mission Catalyst, and an Indigo, I’m called to give back to those who kept me alive long enough to discover who I truly am and put me on the path of my mission.

I hope my story inspires you.

I hope it helps you remember that even in the darkest places, even during the most desperate times, even when you can’t see a way out, there is a springboard that can catapult you onto the path of your purpose.

You can course-correct at any time.

By understanding that these very difficult times are initiations - that YOU created in your Soul Blueprint - you step into the person you were sent here to be.

You are stronger than you can ever imagine. You are designed for greatness. You are magick.

Indi’s 13 next month 🐶 I couldn’t love him more. ❤️13-4 ❤️

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Ascension is never a solo journey

Inde wasn’t my only savior. Like so many other people, I likely wouldn’t be alive today without the help of some key people, organisations, support centres, and voluntary workers.

Being on earth, awakening spiritually and transmuting our shadow can be really REALLY tough at times.

There are so many individual people and organisations I could mention that helped me:

My mum (my 4 am emergency contact for many years)

Jane Brown (my surrogate sponsor in AA)

Alcoholics Anonymous & 12-step programmes

Ali Fogg (a dear friend that helped me through an extremely difficult relationship breakup)

My kind, patient, and unconditionally loving partner Aeythen

And many more...

But the one I want to especially highlight today and give gratitude to is The Samaritans Charity who answered my call during one of my darkest moments (in fact it was two calls, over the space of two very difficult weeks).

Samaritans - Saving lives, one call at a time

Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. Every seven seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help. Their 20,000+ volunteers are available, day or night, for anyone struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgment or pressure.

Because of the incredible work they do and my own personal connection with them, I am proud to announce Samaritans as our chosen charity of the year, with proceeds from my 4-month Creation Code Initiate Programme going to support this important cause.

If you want to learn more about Samaritans, you can visit their website at If you live in the UK and need immediate help, you can call 116 123 anytime.

My heart is with you on your own healing and ascension journey.

With love and empathy,
Ariella xx

P.S. If you are outside the UK and struggling to see a way out, please seek support. Here is a list of organisations that can help.

What’s in a name? Everything. Introducing my new name and why I made the change.

If you’ve been a part of my community for a while or have come to any of my masterclass trainings, then you’ll know I teach about the Hebrew Creation Codes which are encoded into your name being responsible for creating your reality.

What you may not realise is that you can optimise your name, your Soul Blueprint Coding and your frequency, in order to shift your path to adjust gifts or reduce challenges.

It isn’t something you do lightly or alone. Even a minor change to just one letter of your name brings about a whole new set of experiences and life path for you. 

You’ll know when it’s your time because your Soul will nudge you. It’s a deeply alchemical process and you receive this guidance intuitively.

So, when I received guidance that something needed to change, I listened.

For the past few years since discovering the system and changing my name back in 2015 to Ariella Indio, I haven’t been too happy about an energetic clash which I discovered in my name (8-8 in physical challenges) which was creating problems with my physical body and in the mental plane (weight gain, digestive issues, resistance to being fully embodied, depression, anxiety and agoraphobia when younger). 

But you see my Soul chose for me to experience these challenges with the 8s - well you could certainly call it a baptism of fire! The shadow aspects of the 8’s have travelled with me all throughout my life and have at times (especially when I was growing up) felt like they would destroy me.

Until I had learnt to  unlock deeper layers of the  hidden gifts of the 8s inside of me, I wasn’t allowed my new upgraded name and new Blueprint Coding which would allow me to fully transmute the 8’s. (And trust me I’ve tried hundreds of names out - but none were the right fit!).

Now in my new upgraded name I have the 8s in talent so I am THRILLED that this means I’ve worked through the karmic aspects of the 8s enough to look forward to a better relationship with my body and overall health from now on. 

I wanted to share my new name with you first and speak into how sound and frequency are POWERFUL CREATIVE FORCES.

But before the big reveal, I want you to know how you can use this knowledge to super-charge your evolutionary journey and re-align your reality to your highest timeline as we step into 2021 (Earth’s biggest Ascension year YET).

So let’s start here: 

Why Are Our Names So Important?

We know that sound is a powerful creative force: the concept is that the sound of your name is creating your reality. Many traditions back this up:

  • In the Christian bible, it says “In the beginning was the word...” 

  • It was the sound of God’s spoken word “Let there be Light!” (Genesis) which first put into play the creative energies which made our reality.

  • In Hindu, the sound “Om” is chanted - this is the sound they believe created all reality.

  • Mystics and alchemists have understood for a long time that it was this ancient language that was responsible for creating the material reality. 

Every word we speak and every thought that we think has its own frequency - and so does your NAME.

💫 Our names are one of the few key factors that uniquely identify and differentiate us.

💫 Our names are how we are coded in the overall matrix of life.

💫 Your name is no coincidence. Your Soul gives you your name before you are born and telepathically transmits it (normally) to your parents.

💫 Your name contains Hebrew Fire letters (which I call Creation Codes). HEBREW is a sacred language and an original language of light. 

💫 The Creation Codes contained in your name are the blueprint of your experiences in this lifetime & they carry the coding of your Gifts and shadow programming (which are your hidden gifts) too.

So, what’s key to understand from the above is that the 22 Creation Codes are not only encoded into your DNA, they are actually what CREATES your DNA.

These creation codes are what drive your ATTRACTOR FIELD. Literally attracting the people, places, and things you see around you towards you.

They are also responsible for creating your thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions.

Everything YOU ARE stems from the Creation Codes. And they sit within your Soul Blueprint (Soul Matrix) and DNA Template.

That’s why the frequency of your Soul Blueprint is so important. Because depending on your frequency you can either attract INCREDIBLE, magical things to you, or you can be on a rollercoaster of negative drama and disappointment.

So when people say you change your name you change your game: it’s TRUE.

Every name you use is an extra layer of sound vibration, shifting your frequency and altering the direction of your life path.    

Each name you use either helps or hinders your ability to transmute the shadow, activate your super-powers, and align you with your highest destiny. Each name you use has the power to transform your reality in a way that serves you, or in a way that complicates and creates additional obstacles to overcome.   

So you can literally shift your entire reality by bringing in a new name (or tweaking your existing one).


The concept of a name change can seem quite radical and strange at first but it’s worth remembering that it has been used by ancient traditions for a very long time. 

A new name would be given by a Rabbi or Tribal Elder when someone’s life was painful or if they became very sick and it would be considered that they’d been reborn. 

Many healings can and do happen. Many new incredible Gifts can become activated, you can bring more love into your life, better health, increase your psychic powers - there is literally a Creation Code for everything so ANYTHING is therefore possible.

Finding a new name need not be radical. It may just involve a tweak to your existing name, like changing or adding a middle name for example. Just even changing one letter can shift your reality entirely. Or, if it feels right for you to do so, then you can also choose to have a complete name change also. 

It’s a highly individualised and Soul led process.

I have seen INCREDIBLE shifts happen not only in my life but also in my client’s lives after helping them to optimise their names and Soul Blueprint. 

The power of this ancient alchemic art can not and should not be underestimated.

My new name involves a tweak to my existing name. You’ll still know me as Ariella Indigo, but I have known for a long while now that I was to have a middle name too.

The funny thing is that I must have tried literally 300-500 different combinations over the years but the coding was never right so I knew that my Soul wasn’t ready to download it to me yet.

Then, in October this year I went through a powerful ritual and initiation whereby I was (re)initiated as a Priestess into the magickal arts.  

A few days later I set a powerful intention for my new name to be downloaded to me and it was - just 24 hours later.

What was fascinating to me was that the middle name which was downloaded was already ‘in me’ (literally and spiritually) as a symbol that I’d had tattooed on my left shoulder about 8 years ago before I knew anything about all this name alchemy stuff!

I’ve also been working with the consciousness of this energy for a little while after I discovered that ‘she’ is in my spiritual lineage (my Monad) which I merged with about 4 years ago now.

The clues are always inside of us, aren’t they?

And the new coding is more perfect for me than I could have imagined and along with my birth name, contains all of which I now intend to create…

So I would like to introduce myself to you as: 

Ariella Juno Indigo ❤️

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You will still know me as Ariella Indigo but you’re going to start seeing Ariella Juno Indigo appear more on some more ‘official’ type docs, possibly some places on my website and other digital spaces.

This name brings in some codes (8-8) which I know will help to nourish my body and health which has been a challenge for me especially since my mission took off and I went through the monadic merge process on my Ascension Journey.

It will help to further expand my mission, attract a larger tribe (7-7) and will mean that I am shifting towards becoming a key platform for others in the awakening community. The 22-4 brings further multidimensional gifts online (hey you can’t take the Quantum out of an Indigo!) and will mean that I become a World Teacher.

The 9-9 remains the same in Soul Destiny that I already had in Ariella Indigo, meaning that I stay as a Channel and a Catalyst for universal change.

So I hope you will join me in welcoming Ariella Juno into the world! I am looking forward to experiencing and expressing her. ✡ 💥


I also wanted to let you know that I’ve been called recently to facilitate some more private name optimisation sessions and ceremonies for my clients.

I recently took three amazing souls through their Quantum Name Change process which was such an incredible and transformational experience that I wanted to offer you the same opportunity also.

So if you are hearing the call to change the coding in your blueprint so you can access new gifts and dramatically shift your reality, complete this brief application so we can start the process.

Code of the Oracle: what it's like to become a Quantum Creation Oracle

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Last year I was divinely inspired to launch my Code of the Oracle certification training - which was actually born out of a problem I had been encountering - a problem which of course, my divine guidance had just the solution to help me overcome!

The problem is (and it's a great problem to have) that my mission has now grown so big, and I have so many clients, that I’m no longer able to personally serve them all.

This is where spirit stepped in and helped me to see that I have an incredible community all around me, many of you who are already ready and willing to help me!

So, how to find the right Oracles to help upgrade the Quantum Human Blueprint, and provide spiritual support, direction and guidance to those on the Ascension path? With more and more people awakening globally every day, I knew that demand for our spiritual services would only increase!

And so, The Code of the Oracle certification training was born.

Watching and guiding the first Oracles through this training has been such a joyful experience for me - not only do I get to follow my higher calling, doing what I LOVE every day and being in service to thousands globally - but now I get to pass on this wisdom and knowledge, so that together, we can create a whole legion of Oracles working together on this mission of a lifetime, helping to birth the New Human Evolution!

Now that the first fully certified Oracles have completed their training and begun using it to help serve in their missions, we caught up with a few of my alumni to find out more what it’s like to become a Quantum Creation Oracle - from someone who’s been through the whole experience themselves!

Linda van Etten, Quantum Creation Oracle

Linda van Etten, Quantum Creation Oracle

Linda van Etten
I enjoyed every bit of the Code of the Oracle programme. For me personally, it brought so much more clarity about what I have been creating for myself in this life time and also what is possible to create. It gave me more direction, and helped me big time in my own transformation process and in aligning to my own soul’s purpose.

It’s so empowering to see all the different aspects of your soul blueprint. Reading about those creation codes sets things in motion and you become more aware of who you are and what your gifts and talents are.

The part that surprised me the most was working with the pendulum. In the past I have tried that, but I never felt confident enough to rely on it. Now, I have bought myself a big wooden pendulum and that works as a charm. It’s my new best friend!

I loved doing the practice readings. The system is so accurate and it was such a joy bringing illumination and insights. It was difficult not to keep on sharing and sharing all the information about the soul blueprint with my clients!

The programme helped me in my confidence to be of service as an Oracle and it gave me structure and lots of information to work with clients, so that they can see who they really are and help them in their ascension journey. The Code of the Oracle programme provides you with everything that you need to give full soul purpose readings to clients and to truly be of service.

“I am now doing something I love which, I know, is contributing to humanity's evolution.”

-Marian Geddes, Quantum Creation Oracle

Marian Geddes, Quantum Creation Oracle

Marian Geddes, Quantum Creation Oracle

Marian Geddes

Ariella's Code of the Oracle certification programme is amazing. It has enabled me to bring my dream of a spiritually based business into reality.

I am now doing something I love which, I know, is contributing to humanity's evolution.

The Soul Purpose System is an incredibly powerful tool and has been an ascension accelerator for myself as I dive deeper into my own Creation Codes and develop my intuitive and psychic gifts as an Oracle.

It is so rewarding to see people light up when you reveal to them who they truly are and why they are here on the Earth plane at this time.

The Code of the Oracle course is clearly presented with videos and pdf's - all accessible on line with lifetime access. The ongoing support with live Q&A calls during the Certification process and interaction in the Private Self-Study Facebook Group is invaluable.

What I especially love is the bonus offered, once you have been certified, of an initiation enabling you to actually upgrade and restore your client’s Soul blueprint - this is the icing on the cake!

“Becoming a Certified Oracle has been nothing short of miraculous… it has given me confidence to move out into the world with clarity and intention to continue my own personal evolution; and in doing so, make a difference in the lives of others.”

-Marianna Kuhn, Quantum Creation Oracle

Marianna Kuhn, Quantum Creation Oracle

Marianna Kuhn, Quantum Creation Oracle

Marianna Kuhn

The Code of the Oracle Programme has been an expansive path that continues to support my soul and mission by understanding and loving myself first, so I can support others on their ascension journey. 

This programme offers a deep dive into an ancient sacred numerology system full of wisdom, that helps uncover our soul gifts and identify own unique expression in this lifetime

Learning the Soul Purpose system, how it compliments astrology, sacred numerology and other modalities were an unexpected surprise for me. Other highlights for me were learning to trust my own intuition and meeting my guides during the sacred journey’s Ariella took us on during the course.

Becoming a Certified Oracle has been nothing short of miraculous for me personally, as it has catalyzed me into a higher version of myself. Being certified has given me confidence to move out into the world with clarity and intention to continue my own personal evolution; and in doing so, make a difference in the lives of others.

I loved the journey to become a Certified Oracle so much, that before the course had ended, I enrolled in a longer journey with Ariella, starting with the Creation Code Initiate program! I am currently in her Quantum Business Creation course, further activating my soul blueprint, gaining valuable skills to expand and build a business with a strong foundation. 

I highly recommend anyone who is considering becoming a Certified Oracle, to take the plunge and give yourself a gift that will illuminate your path & transform your journey. Ariella is a master teacher and catalyst.  The course offers lots of support, ample resource material, and clear, concise steps to achieve your own personal intentions. This might include how to add your certification & compliment your established practice/service; or utilize your certification to catapult you into the service that your soul is calling you toward.

Thank you Ariella and Team – Forever grateful for this course and where it has led me to today.

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It is such a joy, and so humbling, to hear how already the Code of the Oracle and our certified Quantum Creation Oracles are making such a difference in the lives of so many!

My guidance on this is clear: I’ve been deeply called to build a whole community of Oracles and Ascension Guides to help upgrade humanities blueprint, and provide spiritual support, direction and guidance to those on the awakening path.

This is FAR bigger than just you or me. The New Human race is being birthed - this is the Quantum Human revolution!!

And the wisdom I teach in the Code of the Oracle course HAS to be shared with others - I’ve received CLEAR guidance from Spirit on that.

If you’re feeling called to join the Quantum Human revolution and be trained by me to illuminate and upgrade people’s Blueprints so they can step into their next evolution - then click here to discover more and apply now.

The Number ONE Thing To Remember On Your Ascension Journey

🌠 These photos flashed up on my social media news feed recently, and they bring back so many memories....

4 years ago, I was in my 7 year and it was before my business was fully birthed...

We were living (and working) in the caravan. Travelling to festivals, doing 'Quantum Time Travelling Cacao Ceremonies' - I was giving tarot readings and we were (trying) to sell crystals...

It was an epic fail!!! 🤣

We came back from 3 festivals that year with almost as much stock we had bought (£2000 worth on credit cards), had to sell the surplus for minus cost price afterwards on eBay, I was going through a particularly sensitive stage on my Ascension process after having lots of DNA upgrades and just finding out I had entity attachments... I was totally stressed out, in fear and was struggling to be in all the busy crouds and wanted to escape from all the loud music.... 🔊🤮😱

I remember getting into a rage with Spirit after this festival... Went into pure victim for a while:

"Why me, I left corporate, I trusted, I followed, took the leap of faith, I'm nearly bankrupt with no sign of moving out of this caravan, where is my mission I've been shown, where are my gifts I've been promised, where are you Spirit and now this failure...." blah blah blah 🤬

It lasted maybe a day until I pulled myself the F together and remembered that no great hero or heroine gets to a place of greatness without a few epic failures and going through the tough places 💪🌠

So I kept moving forwards... Trusting my guidance and knowing that my story was leading me somewhere incredible....

One year later by spirit-led business takes off, we crush $240k in the first year and 2 years later we cross the $1m mark in contracts. 🔥💵🎉💰

I now serve a global community and I get to do what I LOVE every day 😍 I'm in massive service and get to create the type of impact that made me leave my 6 figure career in corporate in the first place 🌠

When I look back now, the caravan days were some of the best days of my life. Why? Because my character was getting moulded. Spirit never abandoned me, I was moulding myself into the powerful creator that I am today... It was such an exciting stage of my journey - to be in the state of wonder, the unknown, all the build up and anticipation.... 🤩

Today I love where I am in my journey. I feel super grateful to wake up in a house, in a bed, to have a higher purpose which is ignited in the world where I get to show up and serve thousands of people to help them step forwards into their greatness. 💪🌈

But it wasn't always like that. And the road got pretty dark and bleak at times. Many times I doubted, I fretted, I thought I would have to turn back.... When I went into $40k worth of debt trying to get my mission off the ground it REALLY brought up the fear.... But I kept going. I kept my faith. I was fully committed to follow Spirit ALL the way to the end. To tough it out and to find the gold that I knew was buried inside of me. 🌟

Now entities don't attach to me. Or if they do they ain't staying for long!! Today as a teacher of Quantum Dark Arts Defense Training they know that I KNOW who's boss and I got some serious sovereign shit going on 💯💥👽👻

So keep going. Past the tests. Past the fears. And past the initiations that YOU create.

It's called the hero's journey. It's not meant to be easy! But it is how you are going to ascend. I can also promise you that the pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow bridge is better than anything you can imagine 🌉🌈💰

Stay connected 🙏 Stay in TRUST and stay in faith 🙏 And above all, keep taking massive ALIGNED action... 💪💥🔥🚀

If you or someone you know could do with a leg up the Ascension ladder, and you are serious about getting down to business, then drop me a comment below and let's give you some Evolutionary rocket fuel 🚀💥🔥

Ariella ❤️

You can watch my recent live stream below, where I talk more about this personal experience on my Ascension journey - I hope it provides further illumination and insight to you on your path.

PS - I could never have got to where I am today on my mission & Ascension Journey without the help of good friends, family and GREAT mentors.

The type of mentors who refused to listen to me when I was holding myself small and believing I was anything less than God/Goddess/Source in a body.

It's thanks to the badass, successful, catalytic mentors like the one's I hired who operate on such a high level that I got to shift my reality in such a HUGE way like you'll read in my story... (like creating $1m in my second year kind of BIG shifts)...

And you know what? Don't get me wrong the money is GREAT, but it's not why I do what I do...

It's the IMPACT I love - the chance to make a REAL difference in people's lives and in the world...

I've got a few spots open THIS MONTH for a 20 minute Soul Purpose Activation Session - which are reserved for the few who are as COMMITTED as I was to stepping past the illusions and doing whatever it takes to birth your Higher Purpose. If you're one of them then CLICK HERE TO APPLY. We'll get back to you shortly. 🔥🚀 

10 Easy Ways to Keep Your Vibe HIGH

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Keeping your vibe high through the current POWERFUL Ascension energies we are experiencing will empower you to make the most of this Great Shift we are now moving through together.

As you may already know, the amount of ‘light quotient’ you hold (your vibrational frequency) determines whether you are ‘AScending’ or DEscending’. And therefore determines whether the blocks (shadows) have been significantly removed enough so that your higher purpose can come synchronistically online. 

Learning how to hold AND raise your frequency requires you to take the necessary ACTION steps to EMBODY your authentic expression. 

When you do, you’ll find chaotic energies such as the current collective transition easier to deal with, and it will support your spiritual development and overall well being too.   

Remember - the aim of the game is progress not perfection! We all come off the path from time to time. Be compassionate and love (or laugh) yourself through it. It is our ‘human’ nature 😊Simply course correct yourself and then get back on the path! 

Today I want to share with you 10 easy ways to raise your frequency (or light quotient):  

  1. Letting go of excess emotional baggage and performing FORGIVENESS rituals: This is seriously POWERFUL. I HIGHLY recommend completing a forgiveness ritual to help you let go of past limitations and blocks. 

  2. Mastering your mindset: This probably accounts for a good 80%+ of whether you AScend or DEscend. ‘YOU’ (higher self) has to protect yourself from ‘you’ (lower self). 
    If you spot yourself ‘going down the rabbit hole’ and beating yourself up, shaming yourself, wallowing in self pity, being in victim states, fearful states, lack consciousness, excessively worrying about your health, being overly self absorbed, or possessing negative, judgement or critical states of mind: THEN STOP YOURSELF IN YOUR TRACKS & COURSE CORRECT YOURSELF. Acknowledge you have slipped into a lower mental stream, give compassion to yourself and then CONSCIOUSLY shift your focus to a higher plane. 
    You can do that by: Reading something positive. Journalling (writing) it out. Putting on some music you like and dancing! Listening to an uplifting audio. Sending love to yourself. Inner child work. Meditation. Putting something funny on to make you LAUGH - or even better, LAUGH at yourself. Change your environment. Focus on SERVICE. TRUST that your soul has your back! (what is there REALLY to fear???). 

  3. Spend time in nature: Just BEing in nature will raise your frequency. Whether it’s your garden, a forest, the beach, a field or a park, get outside and walk in nature – PHYSICALLY BE THERE, IN YOUR BODY (not in your head). 

  4. Give your worries, stress & negativity to the earth, water & trees: Nature is such a good healer. Find a stream and stand in it, mentally send any negative energy to it so it can be transmuted. Hug a tree! Ask for healing. Send stress down to the earth (soil). 

  5. Visualise yourself under a shower of green (healing) light: or imagine sitting underneath a waterfall made out of high frequency light. Imagine the stress leaving your body. 

  6. Cleansing rituals: bathe in Epsom salts and put some essential oils or herbs into a bath. Before you bath or shower, send crystalline white light into the water (imagine it entering through your crown chakra then flowing out through your hands – set the intention for it to nourish every cell of your body and raise your vibration to the Christ Consciousness state). 

  7. Meditate: go onto YouTube and search for a meditation you’d like to listen to. Trust your intuition and type into the search bar words that automatically appear in your mind… 

  8. Cleanse your aura and your environment: Either use sage, or a lovely space clearing spray. Bring some light in! 

  9. Clear away physical clutter from your environment: What stagnant energy no longer needs to stay in your space? What can be recycled or given to charity? The less cluttered you feel physically, the less cluttered you will feel emotionally… 

  10. Call on the angels of light to work with you: or call on “the highest frequency, most compatible energies”. Ask them to help you raise your frequency. They can not step forward to assist you unless you ask and in which case they will always say YES! 

I also Highly recommend putting a personal energy management protection routine in place if you don’t already have one. Energy management and protection is one of the quickest, easiest and simplest ways to experience a boost to your energetic, physical, mental and spiritual well-being immediately. 

(I know because it’s already worked for me and so many of the clients and colleagues I work with!)

If you missed my recent emails on how you can use simple energy management tools and techniques to boost YOUR energetic, physical, mental and spiritual well-being - as well as supporting you to enjoy a greater level of connection and interaction with spirit as you uplevel your energetic mastery, catch up here: Part 1Part 2Part 3

And I hope these tips help you to keep your vibration HIGH so you can ease your way through the current chaotic, turbulent energies of transition which we’re all experiencing collectively right now.

I’d love to hear your tips and tricks for keeping your vibe high - what works for you? Please share with us in the comments so others can benefit too!

Protecting Your Energy part 3: Why I used to sleep with a hammer under my pillow...


Energy Management and Protection 3-part series

It might sound alarming but it's true. For many years I did sleep with a hammer under my pillow or bed.

I also used to check all of my cupboards and look under the bed before I could go to sleep (and only then with a night light on). And I'm not just talking about as a child - this was into my 20's and 30's too!

I was plagued by picking up on energy (Spirits) I couldn't see. I would wake up many nights with night sweats and terrors - screaming after having disturbing dreams and nightmares. This was partly because I HAD previously woken up and seen beings or entities in my room or on the foot of my bed. I felt completely exhausted from living in constant fear.

In the third and final part of this series on protecting, mastering and managing your energy, I want to talk about something that I think can sometimes be glossed over or ignored by many people when talking about this topic: intrusive energies, including energy attachments, entities, and how we can deal with them. (Catch up on part one, for more about managing and protecting your energy, here. And read part two, to understand more about the connection between mental health and spiritual emergence, here).

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Firstly I want to say that it is far from my intention to worry you or scare you, but because EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, and WE ARE ALL INTERCONNECTED it is difficult to find anything that ISN’T going to influence and effect you in some way. By recognising this fact, and taking responsibility for our own energy using simple management and protection techniques, we can empower ourselves to reclaim our power and learn to deal with all kinds of different energy with greater ease. 

If you believe you may have entities attached to you (and yes this is a real thing for many), then you may well find that your energy management routine is not that effective even if you are doing it on a daily basis. If this is the case and you can't clear the intrusive energy yourself, then I highly suggest that you seek assistance from a qualified person trained in the releasing of such energies, who has understanding of them and knowledge and abilities to remove these with care and attention to your energy body in the process too.   Having attachments is NOT pleasant (and boy don't I know that from personal experience) and if you are sensitive to energy (especially if you are, for example, an empath, starseed or intuitive/psychic that works with energy) then it is unfortunately likely that you will notice and feel the side-effects experienced by attachments and intrusive energy in your energy field than somebody who is not as sensitive as you are.

It is therefore worthwhile putting in place a routine for ‘opening up’ and ‘closing down’ when you are working with energy or even just working with lots of people or in intense/high stress situations. It’s important to practice opening up when you want to connect more with others and to allow energy in, but just as important to also be able to close back down again, otherwise you will be walking around with your aura spread out across the street or across the room and your chakras will be constantly open and receiving stuff all the time. This can lead to overwhelm and burn-out.

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Personally, and this is due to my long history of attracting entities who have then attached to me, I always ALWAYS ensure I protect myself FIRST before calling on the angels or my spirit guides. As soon as you send that call out there, you are like a bright beacon of light to other realities of existence… it is an untruth (in my experience) that lower vibrating energies only attach to low vibrating people. If this was true then why would young children attract them? It might be true that they are MORE drawn to people exhibiting destructive behaviour (like alcohol dependency, people who are overly fearful, have excessive and destructive anger, a sex addiction, or basically anything which is toxic), but if you are a natural psychic, medium, healer or channel, or an otherwise sensitive soul, then they could be magnetised to you simply because of your energetic spiritual makeup.

The energy that we are all going through is very very intense at the moment, with this great shift which is causing some very intense planetary energies for us all as more and more higher frequencies activate and upgrade us and the planet. There are a lot of chaotic and frenetic energies being created by this transition, as well as a lot of fear and other lower vibrational energies being released and healed again collectively. This only intensifies the powerful impact that these energies will be having on us all. 

And there has been a big increase in terms of the amount of visitations that I’ve received lately. I’ve got to the stage in my evolution where I feel empowered, I’ve got tools and I understand the entity phenomenon and it doesn’t scare me anymore. I teach about this stuff now and help people to release attachments as well so I’m pretty skilled up in this area. But I will share that there have been some, one occasion in particular, that was pretty frightening. And it’s not just me - when I shared this with my spiritual mentor, she shared that she has been experiencing some dark energy recently, too. 

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What I want to say is even when you are a teacher of this stuff, and even when you’ve gone on your long rite of passage, there are still tests that you will create to take you to the next level in your understanding. 

I think sometimes people think teachers have sorted out all their stuff and nothing ever comes up for them again. That may be a few people’s experience but I don’t think that’s most people’s experiences. For me there is still energy and things that come up from time to time that I need to look at, and that has been the case recently.

One example I can share which happened a few months ago, Aeythen and I went away to the Lake District for a short break, and the day we came home I got woken up in the middle of the night. My energy body is so sensitive now, if any spiritual activity is happening in my house, in my bedroom, my energy will wake me up. As I woke up I saw a being with wings flying out of my bedroom door. The energy didn’t feel dark, and I’ve got to a stage now where this has happened so many times to me before, all different types of beings, that it doesn’t scare me anymore. I know what to do about it, I can clear them, help them, resolve them, and go back to sleep. The energy didnt’ feel dark, so I thought ‘I’ll deal with it in the morning’ and went back to sleep.

Then I got woken up again, and I didn’t know what it was (I’ve since discovered that it was a troll) it looked like a male kind of gnome or an elf rushing across my bedroom floor and I knew that shouldn’t be there. 

At that point I called in my guides who help me with clearings - I have a specific group I work with, because of the work I do. Hilariously (and I think this topic can be a bit heavy without humour!!) they call themselves the ‘Men in Black’, that’s how they presented themselves to me because I’m a starseed and my energy type is very multidimensional, and they help with clearing multidimensional energy. So they came in and helped me to do a big clearing and I went back to sleep.

The next day, with my spiritual mentor we tuned in and discovered that it was a mischievous troll that had jumped in the car as we were leaving the Lake District and coming back home. And actually it had been poking my dog and tormenting him a little bit which made sense as the dog had been acting strangely the day before!!

The other being, the being with the wings, was actually a Lake Deva. Where we were staying was by a beautiful, private mountain lake, and this Deva had gotten attached to me. And often when that happens it can feel like ‘What are you doing? Why are you attacking me? Why are you in my energy?’ and I’ve thought that myself. But she was very curious - my energy type is that I’m a hybrid energy - part starseed, part human, part elemental. And when these beings from other realms meet a human - particularly one who is an open, aware type of human, they get very curious. And to them, sometimes, they can see you as further on the evolutionary journey than you. And this one had gotten curious, she had gotten attached to me and then she was freaking out because I don’t have any water where I live and she wanted to go back home. So I helped her to go back home and the troll was helped to go on to the next realm. 

Entities are real.

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But at the same time we are creating them, they are in your psyche as well. It is an aspect of the shadow - whether that’s your shadow or the collectives’ shadow. Entities are real, but just in the same way that we are all living this illusion of separation in this 3rd density - we are all one on a higher level, but there are many many degrees of separation between here and Source.

And whatever your opinion on this is your opinion. But there are people who dismiss entities, say that they’re not real, if they don’t believe in it then none can get attached to them. But it’s a bit like a lion, if you were on safari and a lion is coming towards you - my strong suggestion is that you protect yourself from that lion! And it’s sort of the same with entities. If you’re like me, and you’ve created a reality for yourself where you are on an initiation of dealing with entities - sometimes quite dark ones - you don’t want to ignore it. It won’t just go away, just like the lion wouldn’t go away. You still need tools that you have that empower and help you in those situations. 

So what can we do? How can we deal with these intrusive energies and entities when we’re experiencing them, what tools can we use to empower ourselves?

I want to share a couple of simple tools that I’ve discovered along the way that have helped me, when I’ve woken up in the middle of the night and sensed that there is energy in my house! 

  1. The first thing is that YOU are Sovereign over your energy. You get to say what stays in your space and what doesn’t, what stays in your body and attached to your body and in your house. That is your domain. And there is a universal law that if you do not give permission for an energy to stay in that domain, then they are infringing on that universal law. So the most important thing, firstly, is to claim sovereignty over your energy, your space and your sleep time. Setting that strong intention that you are sovereign over your energy.

  2. If you suspect that you have an energy attachment, then again, by stating your declaration: ‘I claim sovereignty over my body, over my energy field - if any energy is attached to me that does not belong to me I command you to go now.’ Often that is enough to clear it. 

  3. Another tip I learned from my mentor that has really helped me - if you are like me, and very sensitive now once something attaches to you - for me it’s almost like I’m walking into a door but  a bit more subtle, I can feel a shift in my energy almost like being pushed back. As soon as you detect that you have energy attached to you - and this could be energy with or without consciousness - if you say ‘Spirit guide, this energy does not belong to me. Remove it from me, NOW.’ that is normally enough for your spirit guide to come in and clear it immediately - that has worked for me many times, just that simple command. It’s part of You claiming sovereignty over your energy.

  4. In my experience if you’ve had a soul that’s been attached to you for a while, you may feel it. I used to literally be able to feel them walking around my energy field and moving around. If they have gone into the body and are not in the aura or energy field then often you will need external support and help to remove it, as it can become difficult to remove yourself in that case. So asking for and seeking professional support in that case can be very very useful.

  5. Many of us in the spiritual communities are intuitives, we’re opening up psychically, doing healing work, and working with higher energies. If you’re someone that’s doing that, then make sure you know how to protect yourself first. You don’t want to call in the whole cosmos if you’re completely open!! Energy management and protection is even more important for us.
    Some people are more susceptible to  entities than others (my partner Aeythen, for example, is not susceptible, I’m like a magnet for the cosmos) - it depends on your blueprint, your soul plan, your soul path for this lifetime. So putting the bubble of protection around you when you’re calling in any energies is a simple way to help protect your energy. And when you’re calling in any energies, being very clear on the ones that you want to invoke. Try saying something like ‘Calling in the highest frequency most compatible energies to you today’ - I use that sentence all the time, being very clear about what you’re allowing into your energy field. Setting those intentions is very important and empowering. 

Those are just a few of my favourite and simple tools that can be used with any type of energy and which will really help you to feel empowered and remain in your power when you are working with and experiencing energy. 

“When you Master your own energy you will find that your intuitive gifts and connection with spirit open up even more.”

When you Master your own energy and take full responsibility, stepping into your Sovereignty and your full Creator Power, you will also likely find that your intuitive gifts and connection with spirit open up even more. Once you have the tools to know how to deal with and be a true Master of energy, you can experience a whole new level of working with and connecting with spirit and Source like never before. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this series on energy management and protection. Now more than ever, it is vital that we step up and learn how to use ALL of the tools at our disposal so we can be the leaders, wayshowers and lightworkers we came here to be, helping through our example to show the collective how to become Masters of their energy, which we are all going to need to learn as we transition through this planetary ascension together! 

If you feel called to become a certified practitioner in advanced energy empowerment techniques, help transition lost souls and be a protector of the light - I have a brand new training that would be perfect for you.

I’ve been working with the incredible Master Teacher Janet Treloar, who has decades of experience working with energy in all forms, to put together a brand new, empowering Quantum Dark Arts Defense practitioners training. 
We want to teach you the skills you need to empower & protect yourself and others, so you can learn how to detect and release all kinds of energy - with and without consciousness. 
Become a Master of Energy and learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones whilst providing an invaluable service to your community.
Massive change is upon us all, and this work will be needed now and in the future more than it ever has been before

Find out more and apply to become a Master of energy here

Protecting Your Energy part 2: When you're not losing the plot - it's the energy


Energy Management and Protection 3-part series.

When talking about energy and how we can take responsibility for and manage our energy, it’s important to look at the connections between spirituality, energy and how it affects us, and mysticism and mental health issues. (You can read more about how to manage your energy in part one of this series - if you missed part one you can catch up here).

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Because many people, (including myself in the past) experience symptoms, particularly mental health challenges, which are actually spiritually related but they don't realise it.  For me, I thought at best that I had an overactive imagination, and at worst I feared that I was going mad, going to die or that something really serious was wrong with me!!

A lot of people who experience depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns often don't realise that they are awakening spiritually.  People experiencing addiction problems, often don't realise that they are seeking to numb out and escape difficult-to-handle emotions which are caused by spiritual emergence. It is a well known fact to many within the spiritual communities, that M.E./chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia symptoms are classic signs of the body going through genetic upgrades where they receive higher light codes which help to raise their consciousness and overall frequency. 

Many indigenous cultures take a very different view of mental health than the current perspective largely agreed upon by western medicine. Frequently, spiritual emergence experiences can be misdiagnosed here in the west, because we are still living in a system which doesn't have the awareness that spirituality or awakening symptoms exist and instead we are sometimes mis-labelled by the medical professions and prescribed harmful drugs to treat something physically, when the cause of the problem itself is often non-physical.  

I do see there are a lot of hugely valuable physical, emotional and psychological treatments available today with some very well qualified and talented people, but whilst we are still not incorporating the spiritual cause of these symptoms in the overall diagnosis process, then we leave out a huge piece of the jigsaw and are only half armed with information instead.

I’ll share a personal story of mine that I hope will help illustrate how important it is for us to understand how our energetic, mental, emotional and physical health are ALL interconnected. (And why it’s vital to keep a strong energy protection and management routine in place, practicing regularly.) 

I had the experience in my early 20’s of going to see a crystal healer one time, who quite accidently catalysed ‘an opening’ in me, shall we say. This led to about 3 months of sleepless nights and horror for me when I was speaking in tongues (and not in a good way), picking up on dark forces all around me and my housing seeming to ‘come alive’… I would wake up screaming to find huge entities standing over me on my bed and I became utterly terrified to go to sleep at night and be on my own in the house. 

After about 2 weeks of stopping off at the off license on the way home from work, to down some brandy in the car whilst being parked outside of my house so I could find the courage to go in on my own, I eventually arranged to get my house exorcised. Myself and my mum did it actually. We had some help from some remote energy workers. That helped, but as I was later to find out when I moved to different houses and each one was haunted in some way, it was MY OWN ENERGY which was the problem, not my house…

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I, myself, spent far too long and wasted far too much (sparse) energy just about ‘coping’ with life when I was young due to my extreme sensitivities and lack of understanding about energy management and protection and why it’s so important for us to practice regularly. 

My sensitivity pretty much wrecked my enjoyment of life from ages 18-29 and I then subsequently spent many years ‘recovering’ from various addictions and destructive behavioural patterns which were mostly born out of this empathic sensitivity to external energy. I sat in therapeutic support groups and addiction recovery groups for many years, surrounded by other sensitive souls who were also struggling to handle life and what I notice now is that NOBODY IN THERE IS TALKING ABOUT THIS STUFF.

The mainstream (and even some of the more ‘alternative’ therapeutic and recovery programmes available) just aren’t set up at the moment to delve into these areas, and whilst I certainly feel unbelievably grateful to these institutions, people and organisations for keeping me alive long enough to find out what the magic formula that works for me is, I do feel there is a need to integrate their existing models and approaches with more progressive spiritual teachings, which incorporates the damaging effect that intrusive external energy can have on our wellbeing.

One thing which is helpful to know, is a list of common symptoms which arise as a result of external energy influencing our energy system. We all react and respond differently of course, but some of the common symptoms are as follows:

  • Rapid shifts in mood (mood swings)

  • Anxiety, depression, feeling stressed out for no apparent reason

  • Sudden shifts in our energy - going from feeling highly energised to lethargic and sluggish

  • Feeling vacant, spaced out, having a ‘foggy brain’

  • Headaches, nausea, feeling dizzy

  • Experiencing vertigo like symptoms

  • Body tingles and energy rushes (especially around our chakra centres)

  • A ‘buzzing’ feeling in our bodies, or feeling like we are vibrating very fast (we are raising in frequency)

  • Exhibiting behaviour which is out of keeping with our natural character

  • Aches and pains in our bodies, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia type symptoms

  • Skin conditions (itchy, flaky, sore etc)

  • Sore eyes, blurred vision

  • Ear ringing and hearing different tones

  • Changes in sleep patterns (often sleeping for a few hours, then waking up at 3am/4am for a few hours, then sleeping again)

  • Fluctuations in eating habits and weight

  • Energy stored up in feet and hands (often fluctuating between hot & cold)

  • Crown chakra and 3rd eye tingles, feeling them expanding and ‘pushing out’

  • Acid reflux type symptoms

  • Sensitivity to chemicals, sugar, hormones in food etc

The above list is not exhaustive, but it gives you a good idea about how energy symptoms can be experienced and it is worth noting that a lot of these are the same for the signs and symptoms of spiritual awakenings too. (For more information on spiritual awakenings, then please read my blog post on this topic here)

Of course you should always go to the doctor to check out your symptoms to ensure they are not physically based - I am a great advocate of all types of healing and therapy, including some mainstream approaches. 

But I have personally found that taking an INTEGRATED approach to healing and raising in consciousness is the best way forward, and in the same way that I see people becoming unbalanced when they just solely focus on the physical, going to the other extreme and solely relying on spiritual healing solutions, can lead to much imbalance also. The key, as it so often is, is in finding that balance, and taking a holistic approach where we consider not only our mental, physical and emotional well-being as vital to our overall health, but also our spiritual well-being too. 

If you don’t already have a regular energy management protection routine in place, which will help you to manage your energy and keep your spiritual well-being at its best, then make sure you catch up on the first part in this series, where I share my personal tips to support you in setting up your own daily routine.

And look out for my third and final part in this series on energy management and protection, where we’ll explore intrusive energy and attachments. What they are, how they could affect you, and what you can do about it.

Protecting Your Energy part 1: Let's ramp up the energy management


Energy Management and Protection 3-part series

I know from personal experience just how important it is to have a personal energy management and protection routine in place - especially for us starseeds, empaths and highly sensitive people, who are most strongly affected by the energetic frequencies we are all experiencing here on the Earth plane. But in truth, we are ALL affected by the energies all around us all the time. 

And that’s never been more true than it is now, with the chaotic energies of change and transition we are collectively experiencing. 

I am on a mission to promote how important good energy management & protection is right now so over the next few days I will be sharing some powerful tools and techniques I've learnt to help the energy sensitive community as we go through the COVID-19 transition.

Stay tuned over the next few days for some serious energy empowerment.

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In the past, I stumbled through life feeling incredibly anxious and in an emotionally traumatised state for many years until I realised why - that I was being severely affected by the different energies I was experiencing, but I didn’t have any tools or understanding to help me deal with it. I eventually rock bottomed in my late twenties because of this. Since putting into place a daily energy management and protection routine I have been able to function MUCH, MUCH BETTER in the world and my intuitive/service gifts have had the space to emerge and blossom. 

In the first of this 3-part blog series on energy management and protection, I’ll share with you advice and some of my strategies to support you to put in place a strong daily energy protection routine.

But before I go into the tips I have for you and how you can quickly and easily implement them into your routine, the first thing it’s good to remind ourselves of is that WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ENERGY.  

This is like the 'ground zero' for us empaths and psychics. If you haven't got this stuff down as NUMERO UNO in your psychic toolbox, then little else will work, because you are not going to be able to sustain your gifts for long enough to make any real impact on fulfilling your purpose. You will literally get consumed and feel totally overwhelmed by your emotional response to external energy (of all sorts) in your environment. 

Your guides and guardians WILL NOT step in to help you when you are not taking responsibility for your own energy. We have volunteered to come here to share our high frequency and gifts with society, but we are also here having a very human experience, which includes mastering our personality selves and our emotions. Learning to have the appropriate boundaries in places which protect our energy from intrusive or otherwise unbalancing external influences is part of the deal!

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Secondly, if you haven't already done so, I'd also advise considering putting into action a DAILY ROUTINE to manage and protect your energy. It doesn't need to take long, but if you don't keep up your energy management practice then you will be opening yourself up to your boundaries becoming weak which will leave you vulnerable for intrusive external energy to come in.

My personal routine is to ground and put my 'bubble up' once in the morning and once at night before I go to sleep. I also ensure that my chakras are fully closed down and my aura pulled in when I need to do stuff like go to the supermarket or be in busy places so I don't get overwhelmed.  As well as attending to my physical body, I also regularly clear the energy and protect my house, car and work space too. All of these are extensions of your own energy, so will mirror what is happening within your body. ALL boundaries therefore need to be managed and protected.

I also want to remind you that it’s important to remember (especially when working with energy as many of us in the spiritual community do) that there are many different types of external energy that we can be affected by, not just the energy of other people and ourselves. These include:

  1. Global space weather. Geomagnetic storms, solar wind, solar flares, meteor showers, coronal holes in the sun etc. A good website to look at for information about this is and they also have a great app which gives you alerts when something like a geomagnetic storm is occurring.

  2. The Schumann frequency. This tracks the Earth’s electromagnetic resonance frequency.

  3. The energy of places. Buildings, work environments, shopping centres, supermarkets, support groups, public transport, ley lines, hospitals, graveyards, cities, towns, countryside

  4. Other people’s energy. Their aura, their moods, their soul purpose energetic programming, their thoughts, words, behaviour etc. There is also energy exchanged during sexual relations with others.

  5. Our own energy generated by us. Thought forms, words, beliefs, desires, emotions, dreams.

  6. What we ingest. Food, drink, chemicals, the quality of air that we breathe etc

  7. Our style & surroundings. The energy of our homes, artwork, TV/media choices, what we read, the music we listen to, our own personal style & choice in clothing. Lighting, electricity and electronics. Basically anything that we ‘take in’.

  8. Entities that have a consciousness from different realities. I know this will be a controversial topic for some, especially for those of you who have genuinely not experienced this (or are perhaps in denial of this reality, like I was once), but for many of us, this can be a huge issue if we are unknowingly allowing lower vibrating entities to attach to us, as they have a major influence on our well-being and behaviour. It really depends, I have found, on what your souls wish was for you. For me, it was always my soul’s wish for me to do this work, so I had to go through the experience first hand of having entities attached to me and learning how to remove them so that I could help others later on in life. In this case it has less to do with ‘beliefs’ and more to do with what is in the plan for your soul - the contract that you signed before you came here.


Below are some basic, practical exercises you can easily apply to help maintain your energetic boundaries. These tips can be used anytime or worked into your own daily routine to help you feel grounded, stable and in control of your own energy and your energetic boundaries.


  • Start first with this universal and simple exercise. Place your feet on the floor, focus on the sensations of your feet and the ground beneath you as you move, stretching and flexing your feet and toes. Walk around; stamp your feet if you wish. Engage all your senses. Focus on the ground beneath you, notice how solid it feels and as you take a few slow deep breaths allow the energy to be pulled down through your body. You may feel this or simply set the intention for it to happen. Continue until a feeling of equilibrium returns. It may take a few minutes initially but with practice it can be done seconds.

  • Free any excess energy or emotion down through your body and out through your feet. Words such as ‘release release release’ can be said either to yourself or out loud to aid the process. As well as the feet the energy can be dissipated through the palms of your hands by bringing them down to the ground or earth too. Stamp your feet and slap your palms on the ground until it is all gone.This exercise can be done anywhere, however when possible it is advisable to go outside be in nature and connect directly with the earth.

There are many other methods which can be employed and experimented with for grounding. We are all individuals and our grounding requirements and methods may change over time or due to preference or different situations.


The ‘bubble’ exercise below will help you to protect yourself and keep out any intrusive or unwanted energies which are not beneficial for you to experience. 

Remember: your energy is yours alone, it is your right to determine and allow what can and cannot enter your energy field. Energy Protection is a barrier to intrusive energy it will not prevent or limit your spiritual growth.

The ‘bubble’ method works best if used regularly, I suggest including it in to your daily routine so it is not forgotten -:

  • Sitting or lying down close your eyes and imagine you are in a bubble of light completely surrounding you, comfortably encasing you from head to foot about 2 feet from your body. Visualise and feel that wonderful bubble of light and the security of being within it. Set the intention only positive energy and that for your highest good can permeate the bubble, all energy of lower vibration and that wished or ready to be released can naturally flow out of the bubble at any time. Take a few minutes to really feel yourself within your bubble, enjoy the experience and the sense of tranquil safety it brings. Once the energy is set with the intention you are ready to continue your day.

There are a huge variety of ways and means to energetically protect yourself and that which is, in essence, an extension of yourself too. They range from simple to complex methods, many include protection tools such as talismans, sacred objects, crystals, and so forth. The bubble method is simple and effective, and a great place to start.

I hope these tips and suggestions support you in starting to put in place your own energy management and protection routine - with the chaotic transition energies we are currently experiencing, having a strong routine in place to maintain your energetic boundaries will really help you to stay grounded, healthy and strong.

I’ll be sharing more on this topic in my next 2 blogs, so look out for the next in this 3 part series where we’ll look at the links between spiritual energy, mental health and spiritual emergence, before exploring how to deal with intrusive and unwanted energies.

Reflections on Self Love - Do You Truly Value Yourself?

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We’ve been in lockdown in the UK for a few weeks now and I’m noticing that with this slower, more introspective way of life, there’s a lot of stuff coming up for so many of us right now. For me, I’ve been contemplating the subject of SELF LOVE & VALUE a lot, which is very much linked to Creation Code #4.

We’ve ALL got stuff that’s more on the surface at the moment than we would perhaps normally notice. And because of this global lockdown situation that we are currently all experiencing, it’s definitely time to connect inwardly and to tap into what’s going on inside. There is a huge potential for release and healing. 

I feel called to share some of my contemplations and reflections on VALUE. It comes from Daleth, or the 4th Creation Code. Many people have Creation Code #4 in either their birth name blueprint or current, ‘overlay’ name blueprint - but remember the Codes in Hebrew Soul Purpose system are found in absolutely everything, all of the 22 Creation Codes are found in all of existence and they’re encoded within us. It just depends on which codes are in your chart as to which ones have the most influence on creating your reality. 

First I’m going to share the key words for this Code from my ebook (which is currently only available as an eBook, but it will be available in hardcopy in future) on Creation Code #4 to give you an overview of the key themes. 

Keywords for Creation Code 4:
Abundance, fertility, radiance, duplicating energy to this code, trust, and flow

I want to talk about Value today. 

And this has been a BIG initiation in my life - particularly when you have the Codes in a Soul Destiny position (which I do, I have 13-4 in my birth name blueprint) it can be a big lesson that your Soul is wanting to explore in this lifetime. 

The definition of value from my dictionary is:

The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

Many initiations can happen for us around value - for example - see if you can recognise any of these in your own life, there are 4 main initiations around value that I’m seeing:

  1. Your own value, and holding your own value. It could be over OR under. We know that when shadow qualities play out they are usually externalised or internalised, and it’s usually one extreme: either over or under. So initiations around knowing and holding your own value. Under would be not seeing your value, not recognising your value, feeling insecure about what you have to offer, comparing yourself to others and finding yourself less than. Or it could be externally expressed, it could be over value - self absorbed, selfish, egotistical. The 4’s can be narcissistic to an extreme, and entitled. That’s another way that when value is overly expressed it can be through a sense of entitlement.

  2. Another initiation around value is recognising and appreciating other people’s value. Seeing yourself as being right-size compared to other people. Not superior or inferior, just right sized. And recognising the value and gifts that other people have as well, without putting people on a pedestal OR looking down on them.

  3. Having value judgements - comparing and making value judgements about yourself and others. This can be expressed as snobbery - ‘I’m better than others, I’ve got more money or I grew up in a better family or had a better education’ - looking down on others or only being able to hang out with certain people because they have a certain status. 4’s can get caught up with status - again both their own and their others. And again, this can go the other way - inverted snobbery - people who don’t consider that they have as much as other people, as a simple example it could be people who consider themselves very proud of being working class and who are judging and not appreciating the value of people who are in other classes or groups. It may look like it’s being expressed differently, but really it’s the same initiation of learning not to have value judgements, not to feel ‘better than’ or ‘less than’. Not lashing out at others to make yourself feel better and boost yourself up if you do feel less than. 

  4. Sharing value with others - this is about being generous. When it’s an online talent the 4’s are very generous, they happily will share their resources, their money with other people - the 4’s love to give. Sharing one’s own value, whatever that is - the opposite of course can be selfishness. Not sharing enough, not sharing your time, not sharing your resources. It’s linked to seeing the value that you have in yourself to give to others. If you have a 4 in challenge you might be struggling to see that value in yourself - you may feel I want to give generously and share with others - but I don’t know what I have of value that I can give! That is this initiation playing out for you. 

How this has played out for me - some of my story might be a mirror for you, but even if it isn’t just by attuning to this consciousness field of value you will get insights that come up for you.

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For me there has been a huge initiation in my life around seeing and owning my own value, and it’s gone both over and under! For a long time it was under - for a long, long time. I was very insecure, thought that most other people were better than me. Had the experience growing up where I would look at other people and perceive them to be ‘higher’ than me. And it could be anything.

When I was younger and more superficial, it would have been more looks based - I was putting everybody into these categories - not realising at the time of course - and then making judgements based on what they looked like. And it was according to a type of look or physique that I had been conditioned to think is beautiful, which we all experience through society or through our family growing up.

If there was a girl at my school for example, a really pretty girl in my own classification of what that was, I’d be putting her up on a pedestal way up there, before even getting to know her or know anything about her personality, and just thinking she must be amazing! And then having struggles with this because I would become best friends with this beautiful girl (I am thinking about one girl in particular I became best friends, who I was friends with for many years) And I just thought that she was the epitome of beauty and everything I wanted to be. 

Before I’d even spoken to her I’d given her more value than me. And all the way through our relationship it was this strange dynamic where I would always be telling her how beautiful she was all the time and giving her confidence boosts, but when I got a compliment or if she tried to give me a compliment I had an attitude of like “It’s ok, you don’t have to say that just to be nice to me!”

So it’s really interesting to look at this and to see how these creation codes can play out for us in our reality in different ways. 

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That’s definitely one of the ways. In many cases it was me under-valuing myself or not seeing my own value in myself. Particularly there were a few horror stories which were experiences I obviously needed to have with choices with MEN! 

If there was a guy that would be treating me well, or if there was someone GOOD NATURED approaching me, I just couldn’t bring myself to fancy those types of guys for many years. Instead I’d always be drawn to the ‘bad boys’.

Now, I’m thinking about one person in particular where it was a horrendous experience where I learned a lot - he was an ‘ex’ bad boy, but he really hadn’t cleaned up his act - not on the inside anyway. He was very blocked emotionally, had severe commitment issues, low morals, and despite being bright he’d made choices so he didn’t have any prospects. He was in fact scheming and taking from the government, in total victim and had a working class chip on his shoulder. He didn’t have a lot going for him in many ways, even from a personality point of view! So there I was, at that time in my life thinking that after all this work I’d done on myselfI did actually value myself (but I was still heavily conditioned), thinking I’d done all of the things that society was saying I should do. I looked really good, I had a 6 figure career, I was spiritual, actively involved in service, and a good person, I’d cleaned up my act. But still I was making these terrible judgements.

And part of it, though it wasn’t conscious at the time, part of it would have been that I was choosing someone who I thought would be GRATEFUL to be with me. It was a superficial connection. I just really wanted someone to adore me. So it was coming from that place of overly low/overly high self value. But when you’re dealing with clearing heavy karmic programmes, all of this stuff can come up to be healed. 

Know with Creation Code number 4, it’s linked to some other themes as well. Value is linked to success, and I can see this in my own calling, with my clients, with my peers who are coaches and intuitives and teachers - the more value that we share with the world, the more the universe returns that back to us.

The more value we can share - not from a ‘getting’ place, because I want something - but the more value we can share just from a giving place, it will always come around back to us. It’s very much linked to success and abundance - UNLESS you are giving away your OWN value when you are doing it. 

And that can be a tough line to balance. It can be hard to know when you are giving away your own value. There may have been times in your life where you realise - I’ve given too much. And you have to pull back. But I’d love to hear your thoughts on this - can we ever give TOO much? 

It’s a fine line. Giving is beautiful. But when you give away your value to others, it’s actually a selfish act. Because it’s not giving from a place of pure giving - you’re giving from a place of wanting someone to like you, wanting someone’s time or attention or friendship. You’re thinking you’re just being generous, but it’s actually a subtle indication of insecurity and undervaluing yourself. 

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So sometimes it can be the case that you feel well, I gave and I gave and I gave, and this person didn’t appreciate me, they crossed this boundary or whatever it may be. When that trigger comes up, it’s a really good time to ask - was it truly selfless? Or was there a part of you that wasn’t really holding your value, so you were OVERgiving, and you were overgiving from a place of scarcity - because that’s the opposite of abundance, it’s lack. And that’s also a part of the 4’s. 

The 4’s are incredibly abundant when they’re in that place of giving and ‘I have so much there is so much abundance so why not share, why not give.’ But the opposite can be scarcity and lack, so that is also very much a part of the 4’s.

So, Value - can you give too much? Is it possible to give too much? 

And what have your experiences been with holding and seeing your own value? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts - share them in the comments with me!

Self Care Tips To Support You Through Covid-19


The current situation we are all experiencing globally has created a massive shift and a huge opportunity for humanity to come together, coming further into unity consciousness. 

Yet it can be a challenge to keep your vibration high, as we move through these uncertain times. 

And we are all learning to adapt to the rapidly changing energies and experiences we are collectively co-creating across the globe right now. 

It’s more important now than ever for us to practice self-care. By investing in and maintaining our own well-being, we are also contributing to the greater well-being of the collective. 

With so much rapid change and seeming chaos around us, as well as denser energies of fear, anxiety and panic, I want to share some simple, easy tips and advice that I hope will empower you to support your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being as we move through this transition.

Please feel free to share this self-care support collection with loved ones, colleagues - anyone you know that you think would benefit from the information below.

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1. Get Grounded
It’s crucial to remember that WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ENERGY.  Having a daily energy management and protection routine in place will empower you to master your energy, your sensitivity, and your gifts. Starting with a simple grounding exercise such as the one below will help you to feel safe, supported and strong even when we are experiencing energetic turbulence collectively.  

    • Place your feet on the floor, focus on the sensations of your feet and the ground beneath you as you move stretching and flexing your feet and toes.

    • Walk around; stamp your feet if you wish. Engage all your senses. 

    • Focus on the ground beneath you, notice how solid it feels and as you take a few slow deep breaths allow the energy to be pulled down through your body. You may feel this or simply set the intention for it to happen. 

    • Continue until a feeling of equilibrium returns. It may take a few minutes initially but with practice it can be done in seconds.

    • Free any excess energy or emotion down through your body and out through your feet. Words such as ‘release release release’ can be said either to yourself or out loud to aid the process. 

    • As well as the feet the energy can be dissipated through the palms of your hands by bringing them down to the ground or earth too. Stamp your feet and slap your palms on the ground until it is all gone.

This exercise can be done anywhere, however when possible it is advisable to go outside be in nature and connect directly with the earth.

2. Set practical boundaries
Setting practical boundaries as well as energetic ones will help you to maintain your strength and equilibrium. Simple, practical structures to support you can include:

  • Sticking to your regular sleep schedule

  • Keeping work/home/rest as balanced as possible - making sure you set aside time to get the food and rest time you need. If you’re working from home try to give yourself a (flexible) schedule so you can keep your work and your home and family life balanced, without too much merging of the two (although do allow yourself to be flexible with this too!)

  • Limit your news/social media/screen time - it’s good to keep yourself updated and connected with what’s going on, but rolling news coverage and excessive screen time can have a highly detrimental affect on our mental and emotional well-being.
    If you’re finding the news or internet too overwhelming and it’s causing you anxiety, try limiting your intake to say one update per day, choose reputable health authorities to learn the latest recommendations and spend some time connecting with loved ones or groups online that uplift and inspire you.
    Limit the time you will spend, then turn off the screens and do something else. Limiting how much information you’re taking in, who and what you’re connecting with and for how long, will help to reduce overwhelm and prevent you from dropping into anxiety and fear. 

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3. Look after your emotional well-being

Your emotional health is just as important as your mental and physical health of course, and there are lots of simple things you can build into your day to empower yourself to take control of your emotional well-being, here are a few of my favourites

  • Journaling - getting it all out on the page, everything you’re thinking and feeling, can be hugely therapeutic and healing.

  • Connecting with loved ones - many of us may not be able to visit or meet up with one another physically at this time, but it’s now easier than ever to connect virtually through simple, free apps and platforms such as Skype, Zoom and Face-time. Virtual drinks with colleagues, a video call with family, catching up online with friends - all of these can help us to maintain connection which is absolutely vital for us all, now more than ever.

  • Connecting with supportive and inspiring online communities - there are many communities, forums and groups online and on social media sites such as Facebook which can also provide a way for us to connect on a wider scale, to come together and support each other as we are moving through this transition.
    If you haven’t already, I definitely recommend joining my free Facebook group. I just launched a new daily live stream, High Vibes at 5, live every Mon - Fri at 5pm, where I'll be sharing support to help you keep your vibe HIGH: activations, clearings, giveaways, and MORE! (If you aren't already in my free Facebook group, join now so you can take part: JOIN HERE)
    There are also lots of inspiring and uplifting groups and communities which you can join online to come together with other individuals looking to support and uplift one another.

  • Have fun - don’t forget to take some time, ideally each day, to do something fun and carefree - we ALL need to experience fun, play and joy in our lives, adults as well as children. Try to be in the moment. If you have pets and/or children, play with them - they are great at reminding us how to enjoy and stay present with what is happening right now!
    Move your body around - dancing, walking in nature, taking an online class such as zumba or yoga - all of these activities help to keep us moving which helps us to release stress and denser energies. 

  • Explore how essential oils can support your wellbeing - here are a few of my favourites:

    • OnGuard blend (Dotera) which is great for colds and protection from germs

    • Serenity blend (Doterra) great for getting a good nights sleep, very calming

    • Balance blend (also by Doterra) great for balancing and grounding emotions

    • Bach rescue remedy can help with any feelings of anxiety or inner distress

  • Download the app TikTok! It’s super fun and frivolous!

  • Play, cuddle and have fun with your pets if you have any.

  • Socialise online! Why not have a Zoom party? Online dinner parties just got interesting...

  • Give yourself a FOCUS - ask yourself, who do you want to BE in 6 months? ~Then take aligned action towards embodying that identity (you can watch one of my episodes of High Vibes at 5 where I talk about this over in my Facebook community here)

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4. Nurture your Spirituality

  • Meditation is of course, a fantastic way to connect inwardly and to help us to remain connected to our inner peace and stability - if you don’t already, I highly recommend setting aside a little time each day to practice some quiet meditation.
    If you struggle to meditate, you might like to use this as an opportunity to experiment with guided meditations (you can search online places such as Youtube for some simple guided meditations to get you started) or you may prefer walking mindfully in nature, bringing your attention back to the present moment as you go by noticing and appreciating the nature, wildlife and abundance all around. 

  • You might like to try drinking ceremonial grade cacao, which is very good at bringing extra heart love in at the same time raising your energetic frequency.

  • Setting intentions again is now more important than ever. Where we choose to focus our attention and energy is where we are investing our power. We can choose our perspective, choose how we are going to approach and react to challenges and obstacles we create on our path.
    Recognising that these can be opportunities for us to create new solutions and find new creative answers empowers us. Recognising what is within our control, and focusing our intention and energies on that, allows us to take back our power in what can feel like an ‘out of control’ situation.

  • Practice gratitude for what you do have, instead of focusing on what is lacking or what isn’t working out. Remembering to practice gratitude actively can have a hugely beneficial impact on our emotional and spiritual well-being. It can be as simple as listing 3 things you are grateful for each day before you go to sleep, or before eating, practising gratitude for every individual element that goes into bringing the meal together.

  • If you are still feeling unsatisfied or unfulfilled, consider how you can volunteer to help others - it can be literally anything. Picking up groceries for a vulnerable neighbour. Volunteering for an organisation or local group that is helping to support your community. Even simply offering compassion and kindness to others in what is, for many, a challenging time. All of these acts of service will not only help you to feel connected to your community and the wider collective, but it will also help you to feel more fulfilled knowing that you are offering a valuable contribution and supporting others. 

Remember, we are all moving through this transition together. When we practice self care, we are taking care of not only ourselves but contributing to the health and well-being of the wider collective too

I will be hosting a health webinar on Thursday 9th April at 9pm UK with my personal Health Doctor who is a Master Ayurvedic Practitioner & Teacher, and an authority in Viruses.

Put in in your diary and make sure you are a member of my free Facebook community, so we can invite you to attend closer to the time. There will be a lot of empowering information shared about Covid-19 that will be of huge support at this time.

I hope you find these simple tips helpful, don’t forget to share with your loved ones and communities if you think they would benefit from these ideas!

Pottery: my unusual ally in the quest for balance


Recently I’ve been putting conscious effort into intentionally creating space for self care and mindfulness, while also expanding my spiritually based business - both are possible!

But you have to prioritise...

In the past when my business was first getting off the ground I prioritised my expanding mission and self care got sacrificed - my boundaries were unclear. Plus, it's normal for this to happen in the first couple of years after your mission takes off.

In addition when you are going through years 8-1 in your personal Soul cycle, those 3 years are hugely transformational and you can get very busy as you go through a major transition. (Find out more about personal years in Numerology in my blog post here) It balances out again in your year 2 which is where I am now.

I spent 16 years as a high flyer in corporate, with lots of business experience working for internationally successful companies - business is literally in my DNA! But creating a spirit-led business and growing your mission and the impact that you are creating in the world is a different ball game.

After immersing myself in the spiritual community for many years now, and having the honour to meet so many incredible teachers, wayshowers and guides, I’ve realised just how uncommon creating a successful, spirit-led business is. Although there are an abundance of gifted and talented individuals in the spiritual community, there aren’t that many successful spiritual teachers out there.

You might have noticed this too - a lot of people invest time in training, in building up their talents and skills and on doing their inner work, but they somehow don't end up creating the impact and abundance that they want to with their purpose-led businesses.

“It is possible to BE more than one thing at once.
We are all quantum humans and are therefore EVERYTHING at once. Its just where we put our consciousness and focus...”


Which is why this year, I’m really focusing on balance and harmonisation. And our perspective and focus is so key in this - because we are ALL creating from this place.

Growing your business and also having freedom and living on purpose IS possible. It’s about finding balance and shifting to a perspective which empowers you, setting your conscious focus and intention to work towards BOTH expanding your spirit-led business AND creating the freedom and abundance that’s in your heart.

And for me, that’s where my new (or actually, old) hobby comes in - pottery! Its something I enjoyed when I was at school and have wanted to have a go at again for years. So I’ve committed to a weekly class and I’m already seeing the benefits of consciously choosing where to focus my time and intention.

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It's so grounding! For those couple of hours you get to really come into your body and the present moment while you focus on what you are creating.

I'm only at the very beginning of my pottery classes, and the teacher helps with the more challenging wheel stuff like this egg cup and the Bowl, but it's still exciting learning how it all comes together.

This year in my 2 year, I still have outer goals and things I want to 'achieve' in my mission and business, but the main over-riding intention of the year is harmonisation. That is my word for the year.


Its about inner peace and the harmonisation of all the different aspects of who I have come to know myself as. Partner, daughter, spiritual teacher, entrepreneur, star seed, human, nature lover ... and all the other aspects of Ariella.

It is possible to BE more than one thing at once. We are all quantum humans and are therefore EVERYTHING at once. Its just where we put our consciousness and focus...

This year for me, my focus will be on pottery, health, quantum physics, quantum super powers AND helping my clients to rise, shine, align and become the highest versions of themselves

What year are you in your personal Soul Cycle, and what is YOUR focus for the year ahead? Leave a comment below and strengthen the impact of setting your intention by sharing with us! ❤️

Connecting with Your Purpose - part 3


In parts 1 and 2 of this series, I shared with you guidance and coaching on how you can connect with your purpose - because I truly believe that the key to unlocking your intuitive gifts and coming into alignment with your Soul’s purpose is connecting with your OWN higher guidance. 

In part 1 we looked at some key ideas and clues for contemplation to help guide you in making that connection. As well as looking at how the relationships in your life contribute to your higher purpose. Read part 1 here.

In part 2, I shared signs to help you identify where you are already connected and in alignment, as well as indicators that you haven’t yet fully connected with your purpose, so that you can compare which signs and indicators resonate with you. This can help you to understand and get really clear on where you currently are, and which areas you can focus on to help you continue to connect with your higher guidance and Soul.  Read part 2 here


For our third and final part in this series, I want to give you the simple, practical steps that you can follow to help you put all the insights and wisdom you’ve gained through parts 1 and 2 into action.

Following this process will assist you in connecting with your purpose and coming into full alignment with, and EMBODIMENT of, your Soul.

7 Steps: How to connect with your Purpose

  1. Number 1 Rule: Trust and follow your heart and intuition - always! Get good at knowing what’s coming from your higher self and what’s coming from your lower self (ego). Read my blog on activating your intuitive gifts for more help with this.

  2. Follow your bliss. But expect there to be some challenges and leaps of faith along the way! If something makes you feel excited, or lit up, then follow this - it’s your soul speaking to you!

  3. Let go of old identities and push through social conditioning which no longer serves you and you are ready to release. MAKE SPACE for the new and be open to new opportunities - including those which may look different to your ideas or expectations!

  4. In most cases, your higher purpose will come synchronistically online after you work through your ‘blocks’ (shadows AND challenges). You can read more about transmuting the shadow in my blog on the topic here.

  5. Whatever is IN your way IS the way! The challenges and obstacles you create on your path are actually opportunities your Soul is creating to help you to grow, evolve and expand. You can look at your Soul Purpose profile to discover more about what your challenges are and commit to working through them.

  6. Lead with your TALENTS! Your talents act as the fulcrum to help you transmute your challenges and achieve your goals. Your Soul Purpose Profile can help you to gain deeper insight into where your talents and gifts lie - look up your profile here

  7. Be selfish and be a finisher! You need to be extremely determined to get through all the tests and blocks your Soul has designed! Collaborate WITH your ego to reach your goals and achieve your intentions.

“Number 1 Rule: Trust and follow your heart and intuition - always!”


Below are some of my favourite resources that can help you to discover more about yourself, your deeper purpose in the world, and to connect with and embody your Soul’s purpose. I personally have used all of these resources myself to support and empower me on my own evolutionary journey, so I hope that they will do the same for you.

Resources to help you connect with your Purpose

  • The Soul Purpose Hebrew System

  • The Gene Keys

  • Watch Finding Joe to learn about The Hero’s Journey

  • Numerology: Get in synch with your personal and annual cycles (personal years + pinnacles) - you can read more about numerology in my Introduction to numerology blog here

  • Get a spiritual mentor – someone who can give you insight into your unique soul blueprint & cycles, help you with the inner work and moving through blocks so that your higher purpose can come fully online.

  • Get a business mentor - someone with integrity whose mission it is to help people financially support themselves so their higher purpose can come online.

I hope you’ve found the suggestions and guidance I’ve been sharing throughout this series on connecting with your purpose helpful.

Don’t forget - to help you embody the information I recommend sharing your biggest takeaway from this post in the comments below. Now that you’ve read the whole series, share with me:

What action steps are you committed to taking NOW, to help you come into greater alignment with your Soul and higher purpose? 

Connecting with Your Purpose - part 2


In part one of this series, I shared with you some of my favourite tips and suggestions that can help you to connect with your purpose. I’ve found that the key to unlocking your intuitive gifts and coming into alignment with your Soul’s purpose is connecting with your OWN higher guidance. 

So in part 1 we looked at some key ideas and clues for contemplation to help guide you in making that connection. As well as looking at how the relationships in your life contribute to your higher purpose. Read part 1 here.

In this second part, I want to share another important way that you can empower yourself to come into greater alignment with your higher purpose.  

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Comparing signs that you have connected with and are embodying your higher purpose, to indicators that you haven’t quite yet, can be an insightful exercise. It can help you to understand and get really clear on where you are already in alignment, and which areas to focus on to help you clearly connect with your higher guidance.

You will know which indicators apply to you and what passions or activities make you feel this way (or don’t!) - these would be good areas to journal or meditate on, so that you can feel into what your intuition and Soul is communicating to you. 

How your Higher Purpose FEELS when it comes online

  • It doesn’t feel like work – it feels like passion, bliss and creativity. You could do it all day every day and never feel bored. 

  • It’s all consuming and nourishing – it has it’s own mini eco system! You feel fulfilled when you’re living your purpose.

  • Connecting with your purpose helps you to transmute your challenges into your greatest gifts of gold.

  • It normally comes with a beautiful healing and heart opening of some kind i.e. putting down addictions, breaking through depression. A deeper sense of purpose & belonging. 

  • It’s actually a channeling state. It comes from your SOUL. You lose track of time completely.

  • You look back on your life and everything starts to make a lot more sense….

“When you connect with your Higher Purpose, it doesn’t feel like work – it feels like passion, bliss and creativity. You could do it all day every day and never feel bored.”

Indicators that you haven’t yet connected with your purpose

  • You dread going to work – or are ‘putting up’ with your work situation because it pays the bills.

  • You are in your comfort zone, not your zone of mastery/genius.

  • You’re living your life consciously or unconsciously trying to fulfil someone else’s dreams for you OR get acceptance from them – for example, your parents, partner etc.

  • You are clinging onto status, job titles or other titles, ego identities, social conditioning, status related material possessions, rigid belief systems or are too much in separation consciousness.

  • You are piggy backing on someone else’s dreams, drive & ambition, you need to go into ‘the dark woods’ alone and spend time really getting in touch with what YOUR guidance and inner self is telling you. Only you can connect with the right path for you and your Soul.

  • You are not pushing out enough or are avoiding taking risks due to fears i.e. financial insecurity, fear of what other people will think of you, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being able to cope emotionally, fear of being too busy.

  • You are wearing masks still, trying to be who you think others want you to be, or to fulfil a fantasy of how you want to come across instead of simply being your true authentic self (This may especially be a challenge for you if you have lots of 7’s in your Soul Purpose profile!)

  • You are stuck in victim consciousness – either blaming others for how your life has been or self pity. Also low self worth: “WHO ME? I couldn’t possibly do that…”


By comparing the clues that will help you to figure out when you are on the correct path, on your way to coming into greater alignment with your purpose, and the indicators that you haven’t yet fully connected with your purpose, you can be empowered to hear and follow the direction that your own Soul and higher guidance is calling you to take.

I hope you find these suggestions for contemplation useful.  

Don’t forget to share your biggest takeaway from this second post on connecting with your purpose in the comments below - which clues or indicators spoke to you personally, if any?   

What action step are you committed to taking now to help you come into greater alignment with your Soul and higher purpose? 

I’ll be sharing my 7 step process on how to connect with your purpose in the third and final blog in this series, so keep following for more tips, suggestions and advice that I hope will support and serve you on your path. 

Connecting with Your Purpose


I want to share with you some of my favourite tips and suggestions that can help you to connect with your purpose. I’ve found that the key to unlocking your intuitive gifts and coming into alignment with your Soul’s purpose is connecting with your OWN higher guidance.

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Because once you are able to receive clear guidance for yourself, not only will you be able to use your intuitive gifts to support and empower you on your own journey and in aligning with your purpose - but you’ll also act as a guiding light to others on their paths, too.

So what is the easiest way to really tap into your own higher guidance and connect with your purpose?

The number one thing to remember is that there is a reason why YOU have had the unique experiences you’ve had in your life!

Contemplate these key ideas - you might like to journal or meditate on these to help you understand how these key ideas can give you clues to help you connect with your purpose:

  • All of your life experiences have been preparing you to align with and embody your Soul’s purpose. The good, the bad & the ugly… your purpose is always there…

  • You will NOT align with your higher purpose unless you are prepared to get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself! This takes a lot of FAITH, following your INTUITION and taking ACTION and ‘RISKS’ . How can you put yourself forward and step out of your comfort zone? What Divinely inspired actions can you take to help you move forwards?

  • More clues to your higher purpose are most likely to be found in one of three things:

    • 1. A pain point (addictions, entities, death of a loved one, weight issues, being bullied, divorce, money issues etc)

    • 2. Something you feel passionately about (a cause, a sport, an activity)

    • 3. A natural talent you have (painting, writing, networking, business, making money, singing)

  • Quite often it can be something that you dreamed of as a child

You’ve also been given some BIG clues in your BIRTH NAME in the Hebrew Soul Purpose system & in your Gene Keys profile – keep re-reading these to help you gain deeper understanding and insight into your unique gifts, strengths and talents as well as your higher purpose.
(If you haven’t already, you can download your Soul Purpose Profile and my eBook to help you understand your unique Quantum Blueprint here).

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Another important way you can empower yourself to come into greater alignment with your higher purpose is to look at how the relationships in your life contribute to your higher purpose.

Every family member, partner, friend or significant person (or pet) in your life is playing a role in your divine drama. Because it’s the frequency of YOUR programming which is driving the interactions with everyone around you - and that gives you the power to identify how your significant relationships are teaching and guiding you to greater Soul growth.

Contemplate or meditate on the following ideas

  • It’s usually the difficult/intense relationships which are the catalysts to much enlightenment. These will either be karmic connections, soul mates or in some cases twin flames. Which relationships do you find most challenging, difficult or intense?

  • These difficult/intense relationships contain much alchemy. Working through them can quite literally transform your life and help to bring your gifts and higher purpose online

  • Unless very abusive, then don’t run away from these relationships. Stay in them and commit to raising in consciousness about what they are teaching you & commit to doing the inner work YOURSELF. Consider what wounds may be being triggered for healing by this relationship, and what gifts lie beyond the healing or release.

  • Use the process I shared with you in my 7 Steps to Transmute Your Emotional Triggers and the Shadow blog to identify the hidden gifts (look at the qualities the person’s mirroring to you/or giving you the opportunity to evolve into). Read the full blog here

I hope you find these suggestions for contemplation useful in helping you to connect with your higher purpose.

I’ll be sharing more on this topic including my 7 steps to connecting with your purpose in another blog, but until then I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences of connecting with your purpose and coming into trust of your own higher guidance.

Please do leave a comment below - I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway from this first blog post on connecting with your purpose was, and what landed for you personally (this will also help you embody the information shared, not just read it.)

What is the action step you are committed to taking now you have read this?

The First stage of Ascension - Mastery of the Physical Realm

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As you may already know, I’ve been sharing quite a bit about the 7 Stages of Ascension with you recently and today I wanted to share a video with you which talks about stage 1, which I hope that you’ll find immensely useful and informative.

I talk a lot about the different stages of Ascension, because firstly, I don’t believe we have enough CLEAR information about the ascension process which can lead to a lot of fear and confusion (which was certainly the case for me in the past), and secondly, because whether people consciously realise it or not, as a planet, we are ALL going through the ascension process.

Today I want to share with you about stage one or initiation number one, which is all about the initiation of the physical plane of existence. 

And by this, I mean not just your physical body, but also the material or physical world as well.

What I want to clarify is that while I am presenting the 7 stages in a linear way, it’s really a vastly multidimensional process. The Soul can ‘pick us up’ and if it decides to, then we can fully ascend in a blink of an eye! But for the vast majority of us (unless someone is a very, very highly evolved being that has chosen a rare evolutionary life path where they are born into an already ascended state) most of us start off with the first initiation when we are born which is all about mastery of the physical realm.

Key themes


This first initiation is very much centred around the root chakra, and you may already know that the root chakra is associated with themes such as money, sex, survival, also health and fitness, those are the key themes. 

What is happening with this first stage or first initiation (and we all go through this initiation, it’s with us right from birth) is that the Divine is really looking to understand and experience itself as a unique expression of All That Is as a physical being, with a physical body, in the physical realm.

When we are first born, we’re still very connected to spirit - our soul hasn’t fully incarnated into our body yet. The soul is wanting to understand itself physically, so that it can know itself spiritually. And what happens is we set up evolutionary steps or ‘initiations’ for ourselves in order to do that.

Examples of the first initiation

Now there are a few different streams that this will generally fall into for the first initiation. The first is, you might have somebody from a young age who is very drawn to let’s say fitness - and we can see there’s a lot of people, particularly younger people in our society today, who are very very obsessed in terms of their physical body. They’re going to the gym all the time, it’s all about fitness, and that’s where the main focus is. So it can play out in that stream, those people who are in that place of really obsessing about their body and have a massive focus on the body, that’s the first of the 7 stages.

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Or it could play out that maybe from a fairly young age, perhaps from your teenage years, you are drawn to the healing arts in some way. Now that could be through becoming a doctor or through the medical professions, becoming a nurse perhaps. Or it could be more of the alternative healing arts - studying to be an herbalist for example, or you could be very drawn to becoming a reiki practitioner even. That’s another way that it can play out.

Another way that it can play out (and this was my experience) because it’s all about the physical body, you have a group of people who are focused on looking after that body, and you have another group - and a lot of Starseeds fall into this category - which neglect the body. Or avoid the physical realm, because that is what’s creating the neglect of the physical body, avoidance of the physical. 

You then have souls that are experiencing things like addiction, escapism in all forms - for me, from a young age, my first addiction was reading books. I was absolutely obsessed, I was reading all the time, and it was because I could escape physical reality, I didn’t have to be embodied or feel like I was trapped in the physical - I could go off in my head, I could be in the book, I could be in this fantasy. It’s a way of disassociating from the physical plane - and that’s what all addiction is about. 

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And for those of you that know my journey, you know that there was a lot of that playing out for me - wanting to avoid, wanting to escape the physical from a very early age. I was not happy in my body, and just generally not happy with the world, with the way that it was set up. Not feeling that connected to it or wanting to be a part of it or understanding it - which a lot of Starseeds and high frequency souls experience. This is because where your consciousness is not seeded on the earth plane, it’s originally seeded somewhere else, where that is the case a lot of us can experience it as quite a shock when we do incarnate. We’re in these physical bodies, everything is really slow and the world is a crazy place! So it can set up these avoidance patterns, which it certainly did with me. 

“Addiction is a way of disassociating from the physical plane - that’s what all addiction is about.”

It started off with books for me, then from my teenage years there came a lot of experimentation with drugs, a lot of alcohol, and then through some difficult processes which occurred around 18 for me, my parents got divorced at that time which I found very difficult to handle - and it removed any safety that I was feeling. 

I never had that experience when I was growing up of feeling safe in the physical world, which is why I wanted to escape it, but when my parents divorced, it was like that last rug being pulled out from underneath me, or at least that’s how I interpreted it. I was very, very emotionally sensitive, and a lot of Indigos, Starseeds and Empaths are the same. Particularly the New Humans - the Indigos, the Rainbows, the Crystals - a lot of us can’t detach from our emotions, we find it extremely difficult. And we come in extra sensitive. So when there’s something (like divorce) or it could be really any major event going on in your life - we can react to it very badly, as I did.

At that time there were lots of panic attacks happening for me, lots of mood problems, depression problems, particularly anxiety, and I started drinking as a way to be able to ground. I was going through that root chakra initiation, the physical initiation, and I didn’t feel grounded. My soul did not want to ground because it felt very unsafe inside my body inside the physical realm. And alcohol became a crutch for me for many years, as a way that I could function and deal with this heavily traumatic inner world that I was experiencing with my emotions. 

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This was my first initiation. I rock-bottomed quite dramatically at age 29 and I actually went into addiction recovery, into AA, and I really threw myself into the programme because I was desperate. Desperate to find some kind of happiness, because the only happiness I could find was when I was off my face, escaping from reality. And the thing about AA and all of the 12 step fellowship groups, is that there are a lot of very high frequency, highly sensitive, highly spiritual, empathic souls in those addiction recovery rooms. And it’s part of this first initiation. 

We are choosing to experience the physical realm AND reconnect with our spirituality - because this whole Ascension process is a process of returning back to source, returning back to the oneness. 

We come in, we have this separation drama that happens, we’re separated from spirit, from Source. Then we realise that we’re separate from our parents (because when we’re babies we don’t actually realise that we’re separate, it’s almost like we are still in the womb). 

We develop this separation consciousness and that can lead us down some dark paths for some like it did for me, it led to addiction. 

I still say to this day thank god for AA, because it saved my life. It was there for me at a time when I really, really needed it. And there are a lot of very high frequency, spiritual souls in AA who are choosing again this reality of reconnecting with Source through addiction. It’s like the baptism of fire initiation. You are walking through the fire to reconnect with your Higher Power, your Source. I would say that we are all remembering ourselves as God/Goddesses in bodies.

It’s interesting because whether you choose a more turbulent initiation for this first stage, or whether you are someone who chooses to really look after your health - you know the first two streams I described earlier, whether you’re choosing the healing arts or whether you’re really into fitness, really into diet. You still see some people who are very extreme - working out all the time, obsessed about their fitness, obsessed about their diet. There’s all this comparison and ‘what does my body look like’ and all of that stuff. Whether it’s that route or the addiction route, it’s all the same initiation.

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And actually, neither is better than the other. Anything that is an extreme path, is going to bring about extreme results - positive and negative. So it’s that excessive focus on the body is ‘as bad’ if you like, as neglecting it. We’re looking for that middle path - any extremes can be equally damaging. 

I think that’s interesting to observe, particularly when we’re looking at younger generations where it’s all about the body, how they look, what do their abs look like and how many muscles they have, as well as the plastic surgery, the big boobs and fish lips - all of this that we’re seeing it’s excessive focus on the body, and it’s part of this first initiation. And many people are getting stuck there - when you look around honestly, you can see this. 

I will talk a little bit about how we transmute this and go to the next stage, but let’s have a look at some of the other pathways as well.

It could be anything around money - part of this first initiation as well is that we are learning to make money in society, we’re learning to activate that aspect of ourselves. But of course money as an initiation is vast in itself. Over-focus on making money for the sake of making money is going to make you soul sick. 

The light of the Divine cannot ground into your root chakra, you cannot ground your soul light into the earth plane if you have an obsessive over-focus on making money for the sake of money. Which is actually coming from a lack place, a scarcity place. It’s fine to make money, but again we’re looking for that middle path - the extremes are where we all want to be mindful.

“Anything that is an extreme path, is going to bring about extreme results - positive and negative... We’re looking for that middle path - any extremes can be equally damaging.” 

So it could be about money, it could be about sex as well, again with the first initiation being the initiation of the root chakra. Many of us, I think all of us create these initiations on our path around sex - again, looking at the extremes there, it could be an over-preoccupation with sex. And again, that can be an addictive quality, because you’re wanting to escape your reality. It’s a preoccupation and addiction. Either a mental addiction - thinking about it, watching porn and obsessively thinking about it in that addictive energy. Or it can be a physical over preoccupation - having lots of sex, being very promiscuous, having lots of partners - that is definitely part of that first initiation.

And it can be under-active, it can be that you’re not interested, you’ve never had sex, you don’t think about it or it’s just something you’re not focused on, which again is another extreme. And again it's about the root chakra - not feeling safe in our bodies and not feeling safe to connect. 

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Transitioning into the second initiation

So how can we go to the second initiation? (I will talk more about the second initiation separately.) The second initiation is all about emotions, and mastery over the emotions - and by the way, the good news (and thank goodness for this!) is that it doesn’t have to be a perfect journey. And it doesn’t have to be mastery to 100% either - if it was I’d still be stuck in stage one!! 

For me, it was enough, going into AA, cleaning up my act, stopping drinking and stopping the addictive abuse that I was doing to my body at that time, and going on a very deep healing journey. Which then led me on to looking at my emotions and stage 2. But first of all, I had to put down the drink, be abstinent and get used to being in my body and stop escaping it. 

For everybody who has active addictions, the way that they can go to the second initiation is through dealing with these addictions - confronting them, and dealing with them. Otherwise we get stuck in that lower seal of consciousness - because of course, each of these 7 stages in the Ascension process have spectrums of consciousness - so we can’t start accessing the higher realms until we go through and master each one. As I say it doesn’t need to be perfect, but you do need to take yourself on - in whatever way that is for you.

For some people, for example that have this over preoccupation with fitness and diet, and they’re extremely strict with their bodies, it’s going to be a part of their initiation to come to a place of balance, harmony, love and acceptance of self. Because what is going on when you’re overfocusing on exercise, and diet and fitness, is that you’re not accepting yourself, your natural self, and you’re trying to transform yourself into something you’re really not naturally. Again, there’s nothing wrong with being healthy, being fit, that’s still very important - but it’s the extreme that we’re looking at here. 

And it’s interesting to consider, in the spiritual community of course we talk about food and our bodies and health a lot, we talk about eating high vibrational foods, and a lot of us, myself included have stopped eating meat (I do eat fish occasionally so I’m a pescaterian, but I haven’t eaten any meat for the past few years). But I think it’s interesting that even if you look at the vegetarian and vegan communities - some of them can be very, very extreme, and exceptionally judgemental. 

And I’m an animal lover, I’ve stopped eating meat because I do love animals (I have a dog!) and it was very clear in my consciousness one day it was like ‘ok, no more meat’ and I’ve learned to follow my intuition so it was actually very easy to stop eating meat. Even though I’m a real foodie, I love food - that has been another addiction for me, and it’s been another way for me to bring a lot of love and happiness very quickly and easily into my consciousness. But I don’t eat meat anymore.

But compare this - an angry, judgemental vegetarian or vegan, compared to a fun-loving, open-hearted meat eater. And when you think about this in terms of the first initiation of the physical realm, where are both of those people in terms of the evolution of consciousness? I think that’s interesting to look at. Personally, I would far rather hang out with a fun-loving, heart-centred, open-hearted meat-eater, versus a very harsh and judgemental vegetarian. 

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It’s about taking ourselves on in this first stage around the physical realm. Putting down the addictions or becoming much less excessive in whatever way. Learning to love our bodies. Learning to appreciate money, to make money in a more conscious way. And also sexually as well - taking ownership of that desire body and bringing it into a more balanced place - bringing light to it, bringing consciousness to it. That’s how we are going to transcend into the next initiation.

That’s what I wanted to share with you. 

My personal journey transmuting addiction

I will say that in terms of my journey with addiction, it has been very interesting for me to go through this Rite of Passage, because at one point I was completely emotionally dependent on alcohol to survive - it was a big, big crutch for me. And as I mentioned earlier, if I hadn’t gone into the rooms of AA when I did, I probably wouldn’t be here now - I owe that fellowship a huge debt. And even though I’m not in the fellowship anymore, and it doesn’t feel aligned for me, the teachings don’t resonate for me anymore, it was an incredible foundation for me and it certainly helped me to connect with my spirituality. To find my truth in terms of my spiritual beliefs. 

And I am one of the very few people, and I count myself as being very blessed and fortunate because of this, that I am able to enjoy a glass of wine now, or a bit of alcohol, which many people can’t understand when they’ve gone into AA. Because you’re told that’s it - you’re an alcoholic for life, and if you drink again you’re going to die, or end up insane, or in prison. But it was part of my Rite of Passage, part of my trusting in my guidance. Because my guidance after 4 ½ years, my soul said to me it’s time for you to leave the fellowship, and you need to trust that you can drink again in a safe way. I was a different person by then, I had sorted out a lot of my emotional stuff, which is stage 2 on the Ascension process and I will talk to you about that another time.


I’m not part of that fellowship anymore, and it has been an incredibly liberating process for me to learn to trust myself to have alcohol again. I don't do drugs, can’t handle drugs, they completely mess with me - and I wouldn’t want to. I’m not compelled to get out of my face anymore! I enjoy my life, I want to be here, I don’t want to escape and get out of my head. Having a drink or two once in a while for a party, sure, it’s all good. But I’m just not compelled to drink like I used to, it’s just not in my consciousness whatsoever. 

However, I am aware that I am one of the very rare and few people that happens to, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else. It was a journey that my soul took me on to leave that fellowship and trust myself again, and I wouldn’t want to recommend that to anyone else. I have seen other people who have tried to do it and it’s ended very badly for them, so I wanted to mention that and be responsible with the message I’m sharing on that. 

Thank you for letting me share a little about my journey and my experiences with the first stage of initiation. I hope you’ve found the information illuminating and supportive on your own path.

Let me know any questions you have down in the comments below about the Ascension process or anything you want to know about Ascension and Awakening. I hope this information helps to support and serve you on your path.

You can also watch me talking about the first stage of Ascension in the episode of Ascension Talk with Ariella below.

If you haven’t already, you can sign up for my free online show, Ascension Talk with Ariella here

When you register, we’ll send you all the details you need to join my Ascension Community and have the opportunity to ask me questions LIVE in future episodes.

I talk about ALL aspects of the Ascension process and help you to evolve on your spiritual path. I’m also regularly joined by a host of incredible guest speakers - top Teachers, Leaders, Wayshowers, Healers & Channels from all over the world who'll be sharing their wisdom with you so you can be supported as you explore the Higher Realms.

Join me live on the first 3 Thursday's of every month and get your questions answered!

Sign up for Ascension Talk with Ariella here

Discover Your Divinity 11/11


Abundant blessings ON HIGH on this magical portal of the 11/11! Today is a profoundly powerful NEW CREATION DAY and I have the perfect free gift for you to make this the best manifesting day ever…

First I want to share a little of my experience of the 11:11 activation code and what it represents in my life. Read on to the end for your magical invitation (it’s a good one and will help you make use of the ascension portals now opening as we make our way through the powerful energies until winter solstice then to the start of a brand new energy decade in 2020).

It was nearly 5 years ago now that I first noticed the 11:11 phenomenon. I mean, I could hardly miss it - higher consciousness made sure of that! It happened as I was going through what I now understand to be the ‘soul merge process’. Which happens at the end of stage 3 on the ascension path. 

“…in my heart there was a distant remembering and stirring, just a mere flicker of awareness, nothing more than that, but it turns out that was enough.”

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LOTS of supernatural activity was going on around me during that time - visitations from extra-terrestrial beings, the lights in my apartment flickering on and off like crazy - I was having vivid external clairvoyant visions and receiving many clear messages. Flashes of a ‘future me’ were being shown to me. It was blowing my mind how different my life was to the one I was living now, I could hardly believe it… could that be me? I am SO different! That couldn’t possibly be me… but in my heart there was a distant remembering and stirring, just a mere flicker of awareness, nothing more than that, but it turns out that was enough.

It sounds amazing, fantastical and crazy, and yes, I did seriously worry I was going mad! Am I having a seizure or ‘an episode’??  It was frightening and overwhelming (to my ego), but what I know now is that those are just the hallmarks of a good old fashioned mystical experience. 

What ‘sealed the deal’ and helped me to know I wasn’t going mad was when the numbers 1111 appeared repeatedly on my TV screen, but this time it was in front of my partner, Aeythen. We’d only been together for a year at this time and I didn’t know how the F I was going to tell him about what I was going through. 2 years prior I’d walked away from my spiritual beliefs, I’d put down the meditations, the prayers, the practices. I was afraid I’d given away my power to an external God. For 2 years it’d just been me and my guidance. Aeythen didn’t know that side of me.

1111’s kept flashing up on the TV screen on the search bar “1111….1111….1111...1111”. We looked to see if our fat bums were sat on the remote controller (well it does happen, right!) but the remote was the other side of the room. At this point I’d become so used to explaining away this type of phenomena (stuff had been happening to me for years but I was sh*t scared as I had no context to understand it), but it was Aeythen who was like “Whoahhh what’s going on?! DO THAT AGAIN!!!” he shouted at the TV screen and sure enough 1111 came back on the screen again.

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I just had an urge (intuition) to offer Aeythen an angel card reading in that moment. (Yep, in my desperation of what’d been happening to me the past few days I’d gone back to praying and asking the angels for help again!). Like I say, before this incident with the 1111’s he’d been totally shut down to anything spiritual but there was an opening and I just felt guided to ask him. Low and behold, the very first card he picks said “don’t be surprised if you start seeing repeating number sequences like 1111, 2222, 4444 etc…”.

It was insane

Or was it?

“We ‘crossed the threshold’. And when you do that, there’s no turning back ;) You can’t…. You’ve seen and experienced too much.”

The next moment Aeythen’s crown chakra blew wide open and he’s sat on the couch with all of this energy rushing through him saying “what’s happening to me?!” with a big fat grin on his face (he always did like experimenting with the weird and extreme!). So that was it. We were both awake together. 


Everything has unfolded from there. It was the start of our awakening journey into a new magical world. We ‘crossed the threshold’. And when you do that, there’s no turning back ;) You can’t…. You’ve seen and experienced too much.

So today, as celebration, on the 11/11 gateway, I’d like to honour this day by inviting you to go down the mystical rabbit hole with me for a very special gifted experience I have for you.

I’m hosting and facilitating a 5 day live challenge called:

“Crack Your Creation Code: 5 Days to Discover and Align With Your Highest Destiny”

When you sign up to this challenge which starts Monday November 18th, you’ll be guided through a deep process so you can discover the following:

  • The ‘higher’ purpose for you being here

  • Your unique gifts, talents and super powers

  • Why you have uniquely had the life you’ve had and where that was leading

  • What your personal Creation Story is 

  • How to align with your Soul’s Calling

The 5 day challenge is totally free, but you need to register in order to receive it.

Register here.

Looking forward to diving into the waters of revelation with you and holding space for you while you discover the gifts of gold you discover there.

With love and more than a touch of the supernatural,



Is Thoth a Dark Overlord?


I think a lot of us have heard some very fear-based beliefs in spirituality. Whether it’s about people themselves being dark, whether it’s about Ascended masters or Archangels being dark, or whether it’s about the Illuminati, all of these conspiracy theories – even in the spiritual community – are coming from a place where the energy is fear-based. Because the truth is, that we are all one.

There is no separation. There is no light – dark. There is no good – bad.

My statues of Pan (left) and Thoth (right) on the altar at one of my recent Creation Code retreats.

My statues of Pan (left) and Thoth (right) on the altar at one of my recent Creation Code retreats.

As soon as we start thinking ‘is Thoth a dark overlord?’ we start going into that over-polarisation, that separation consciousness, that just takes us further and further into separation.

My personal view is that it’s ridiculous – and hilarious, at the same time, for there to be this view that Thoth or Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron – beautiful, highly evolved beings who are incredible presence aspects of the Divine – it’s crazy to me to hear that there are people who really believe that they are of the dark.

I’ve heard people claiming that they are part of the patriarchy, that they are actually fallen souls and that we should be scared of them. And I’ve spoken with clients of mine, clients who used to work with these energies, and had positive experiences. But because there are books - and I won’t talk about the teacher’s names as I don’t want to give it any more energy - but there are certain teachers and certain books out there which are channeled books which are talking about the Archangels and Ascended Masters not always being of the light, and they speak about how they are limited in their evolutionary growth.

Anything which is fear-based like this always gets my attention. And it gets my attention drawn to who’s mouth is it coming out of? Because it’s an aspect of them which is in fear, and that’s why they’re resonating with it.

The truth is that we’re all sovereign, we are all sovereign beings who can decide what does, and doesn’t merge with us. We never have anything to fear about any energy coming our way, and whether it’s ‘bad’ or not.

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Personally, I work with Thoth all the time, I work with the Archangels all the time, I have always had incredible, beautiful experiences and I’ve seen other people also have amazing experiences. Thoth works with me to help me upgrade and activate people’s Soul blueprints. The Archangel Metatron is the Archangel who looks after Starseeds, and Archangel Michael – who hasn’t called on Archangel Michael for protection at some time or another?! And he always does come.

So, I attended this event recently where there was a lot of talk about Thoth and some people were saying he is a dark overlord and that the emerald tablets, the wisdom which came from the emerald tablets was either not true, or they were also saying that Thoth had held back sharing vital information and he was given the knowledge and the power, but he didn’t share it. This is why they’re calling him a dark overlord. The theory is that we only know a fraction of the information through the emerald tablets, because there’s a lot of information he didn’t share.

When I really tuned into this and tuned into my guidance, the answer was clear. Yes, Thoth did hold back some information. But it wasn’t because it was an abuse of power. It’s because, when you are a HIGH, complete teacher, and when you are a God, as Thoth is, and when you’re teaching what are basically like kindergarten children on the Earth plane, you are not being a great teacher if you share Master’s Degree level information with those children, because they wouldn’t be able to understand it. Instead, he taught what was able to be taught at the time due to the consciousness of the planet. And Thoth actually knows that people are talking about him and saying that he’s a dark overlord, but he doesn’t feel that he needs to address it. Because it’s so not worth it!

We don’t want to start taking various icons or representations of the masculine and demonising them

And as far as Archangels Michael and Metatron are concerned – they are both very powerful, enlightened, beautiful Archangels. And I think we’re going a little bit too far now in society - I mean it’s incredible that it’s the return of the Divine Feminine and we all welcome that, and we welcome the shift away from the Patriarchy to this next era of Divine Love which the Divine Feminine is going to help bring in. But what we don’t want to do, is throw the baby out with the bathwater. We don’t want to start taking various icons or representations of the masculine and demonising them. We’re in danger of doing that, and that’s just as bad as demonising Mary Magdalene and all the women that Patriarchy has demonised. We don’t want to create the same mistakes again, and that’s what we’re in danger of doing with these archetypes or these beings, when we’re judging them and calling them ‘dark’.

This is a topic that I think is very prevalent in the spiritual community, I think it’s good that we talk about it. Because there’s one thing that’s true. There’s nobody outside of you, that’s trying to attack you. And it’s a form of separation when we start to project that outwards. So, the answer is always to go within. Where is the darkness within? Where is the separation within? That’s what needs to be healed. Forgiveness needs to be given to ourselves, and even if there might be an amend to make with someone else, that’s always good to do too – even if it’s Thoth!    

I think we really need to be careful about labeling things, people, deities as light/dark/good/bad – all of it. It’s a reflection that there is healing that needs to be done within ourselves, and that there are polarities within ourselves that are still pretty extreme.

Spirituality is about coming into our hearts, coming into faith, coming into trust, coming into love


So that’s what I wanted to share on this topic, and I want to invite us all to deepen our trust in the Divine, to know that we are 100% sovereign we are 100% protected, and to open our hearts and minds. Often there are things that we don’t understand, there are evolution stories in place that we don’t understand. So instead of thinking that Thoth is some dark overlord, it’s understanding that there is a much vaster story which is going on there, and I believe that things are always created with the highest good of the collective in mind.

Even in this time that we’re going through where everything is very turbulent - it’s because we are going through the end of one era, and a new one is about to start - and it’s always darkest before the dawn. So, we’re being called to keep love in our hearts, to keep trust and faith in the Divine, in what’s being created, and to know that it’s okay to love, it’s okay to trust.

Often when we have trust issues, we create these situations where we find ‘proof’ – of deities, people, situations, that confirm our limiting beliefs - so it’s like ‘Aha! I knew I couldn’t trust it!’ But spirituality is about coming into our hearts, coming into faith, coming into trust, coming into love. It’s not about creating more separation dramas within our own spirituality. It’s an opportunity to open to trust, to open to love, and to have our own experiences, be our own guides, and use our own guidance to tune in.


Instead of reading text (even channeled text) and taking on other people’s belief patterns – this is a lesson about discernment. We have to use our own discernment.

So I also invite you – if you’ve been working with Thoth, or with Archangels Michael or Metatron, to celebrate that beautiful connection and know that it’s okay to trust, it’s okay to love, and it’s okay to receive that support.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments! Please share your perspectives below <3

10 tips to help you activate your intuitive gifts


Dear fellow Multidimensional traveler,

On my journey, I’ve discovered that ALL of our journeys are about us stepping into believing in ourselves and following our higher guidance. That’s where each of our ‘genius’ comes from.

I find that the more I trust - and it’s been a gradual process, but the more that I step into my faith and follow my intuition and claim my power, the more magickal my life starts to get, the MORE guidance I can access, and the more people I’m able to help and serve with these gifts. 

So I wanted to share with you today, some of my tips for unlocking your intuition, and learning to trust your OWN guidance, so that you are empowered to keep moving forwards on your Ascension path. 


Unlocking your intuition:

  • Spend time in meditation, or if meditation isn’t your thing, any activity which allows you to stop THINKING and BE - it can be a walk in nature, getting creative, playing sports - whatever helps you to get into the present moment

  • Dedicate some time every day to listen to your intuition. Our intentions are really powerful. Just by setting aside 10 - 20 minutes every day, with the intention to step out of the ‘busyness’ of day-to-day life, to be still and to HEAR what our bodies and emotions are telling us, can be a potent way to help activate our natural intuitive gifts

  • Write down your intuitions - the quiet voice of your own higher guidance can be subtle, and it’s easy to forget or dismiss these gentle nudges from within. Practising a habit of writing down the insights that are coming through when they are fresh in your mind can help you to clarify and understand what your intuition is telling you.

  • Journaling, on a similar note, is a great way to access your innate intuitive gifts, and it can also be very healing. Give it a try and you may just be surprised at what comes through when you allow yourself to write freely, without imposing unnecessary restrictions on yourself about what it should look like, or be. Allow yourself to write without overthinking or trying to make it ‘perfect’.

  • Learn the unique ways that your intuition speaks to you. The more that you use it, and trust it, the more you will notice how it works for you personally - perhaps it speaks to you as a hunch, as a feeling in your body, or through emotions or words. Often it can simply be a deep feeling of knowing - learn to tune in to these subtle signals your mind and body are sharing with you.

  •  Trust yourself - the more you practice using, trusting, and acting on your intuition, the more confident you will become, and the more your intuitive gifts will open up. 

But that last one is where a lot of us can get stuck - we want to trust, but we’re not quite sure how, or we’re afraid of what will happen if we do.

Remember though - we are all naturally intuitive beings. We just need to remember that, and learn how to activate what’s already inside us! For me, the key to trusting your own intuition and guidance comes from building up the connection to your soul. So how do you do that?

I’d start here:

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  • Again, being present in the moment is really important. Spend time in nature. Meditate. SLOW DOWN. Allow yourself to BE.

  • Tap into your creativity - whether it’s art, music, dancing, building things - we are all Divine CREATORS - claiming and using our Creator power helps to open up and activate our intuitive gifts. So get creating!

  • Follow your inspiration, your joy, your excitement, your bliss. There’s a reason why some things bring you so much pleasure you can be busy for hours without realising how much time has passed. You’re completely in the moment and focused on what you’re doing because it’s your passion. This is your SOUL letting you know that you’re on the right track. So follow your feelings!

  • Use it! Like strengthening muscles or activating your creativity, building up the connection and trust with your intuitive gifts takes practice. By using your intuition again and again, you’ll begin to build up your trust in your own higher guidance, and   

Enjoy building up the connection with your own higher guidance! Activating our Divine gifts is a crucial step in our spiritual evolutionary journey, so I hope you find these tips are helpful on your own path. If you try them out, let me know how it goes in the comments below! And please do share your tips for connecting with your intuition too 😉

How to attract what your heart desires - Understanding The Universal 3 Year


Recently I shared a blog with you about the fundamentals of Sacred Numerology, how to work out your personal year number and what that means for you. If you don’t already know about Sacred Numerology, it is the metaphysical study of the relationship that numbers and letters have with our personality and key life events. Through Sacred Numerology we can understand ourselves at a far deeper level and detect key cycles and energy patterns occurring in our lives.

(Read the full blog to learn about the fundamentals of Sacred Numerology here).

Today, here in the Northern Hemisphere, we come towards the end of summer and our thoughts begin to turn to what we have achieved so far this year, and the goals we are still yet to complete, I thought it would be fun to share with you a bit about the universal energies we are experiencing collectively. How these energies have already been playing out so far in 2019, and what we can expect to see in terms of the dominant energetic vibrations we are all going to be experiencing through to the end of the year.

Because when we know which dominant vibrations we’re working with, and which energies are currently affecting us most strongly in our reality, we can use this knowledge to our advantage - to come into greater alignment and flow.

2019 is a very important year for our planet. We are moving on from the 2 universal year energy, which was the universal year energy we saw in 2018, into a new energetic vibration – the energetic vibration of universal year number 3.

How to calculate the universal year:
Add the numbers of the relevant year together and then reduce down to a single digit i.e.
2+0+1+9 = 12
1+2 =3

3 is all about creative expression, soul expansion, and new ideas. We’ve moved away from the partnership and relationship heavy focus of the year 2 energy, into the extremely creative and expressive energy of the 3. 

The universal year energy vibration has a massive effect on us all. We all feel the effect of it and coupled with our personal year energy vibration - which you can also read about in my previous blog on Sacred Numerology, here - these two energies have the most significant impact on our lives and are what drive both our inner and outer experiences of the particular year.

So, what does a universal year 3 mean to the world?

The themes you are likely to see (and indeed, you may have already noticed) playing out both across the globe and within your own life are as follows:

  • Creative expression

  • Soul expansion,

  • Looking good & being seen,

  • Being social,

  • Exploring and expressing inner emotions.

In a 3 universal year, we are beginning to expand, to express ourselves and our Soul urges more fully. Building on the lessons we learned around our relationships and partnerships in the universal year 2 energy, we can begin to push out on our own and explore how our Soul is most wishing to express itself now.

On a planetary level, it will be interesting to see how the universal 3 energy continues to play out, as it is really pushing us to explore, understand and begin to Create that which is going to truly make us happy. The 3 energy asks us to define what we really want – something which can seem deceptively simple but in reality, is usually much more complex. What do we really want on a collective level? As humans, what kind of species do we want to be?

The number 3 is also a ‘teenager’ energy (you might recognise some of these questions as things you wondered personally during your own teenage years!) – having mastered the masculine energy of 1 and feminine energy of 2, we are now integrating those lessons and trying to find balance and wholeness within ourselves.


As well as creativity, the number 3 is strongly associated with communication of all kinds because of the connection to expression. 3 pushes us to speak our truth, to overcome any shyness or difficulties in expressing our emotions and to allow ourselves to fully communicate our true selves into the world.  

This is a year that will likely see a lot of outspoken truth sharing from the collective as we work through this energy, letting go of false masks and old identities which are no longer serving us individually or collectively, and speaking out about who we really are, and what we really want to create in the world. 

It is a great year to focus on bringing out – and communicating - our true, authentic selves. The universal 3 year energy will support us in exploring our self-expression, creativity, and authentic voice.

Throughout 2019, the planet has been, and will continue to, move through powerful creative cycles which we can use to help power our soul exploration and inner work. If we resist these energies, we are likely to find ourselves pushed to express and communicate our authentic selves anywhere that we are not currently doing so.

My tips for what you can do for the rest of this universal 3 year to help you align with the energy forces and use the dominant energies currently playing out in our reality to your advantage:

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  • Invest in yourself: your dreams and ambitions, the things which are going to bring you JOY – the things which make your Soul SING

  • Express yourself emotionally. Make a conscious effort to get more in touch with who you are at a deep level and how you feel inside

  • Take a leadership course

  • Work through any shyness or urges to hide your true self away behind a mask - joining an acting school, doing some kind of performance arts, or taking a public speaking class are all excellent options

  • Enjoy and make the most out of the supportive energies for self-exploration and expression by using this year as an opportunity to make sure you are fully in touch - and aligned with - your Soul’s deepest desires

Universal monthly energy predictions

In the same way that universal years go around in cycles of 9, as do the universal calendar months we are in too. This is with the exception of if a master number is found which are 11, 22 & 33. If this is the case, then you don’t reduce it down to a single digit (see August below).

How to calculate the energy vibration of the universal month:

Add the number of the calendar month to the number of the universal year and then reduce down to a single digit. i.e.

January 2019: 1 + 3 = 4
July 2019: 7 + 3 = 10. 1 + 0 = 1.
December 2019: 12 + 3 = 15. 1 + 5 = 6.

Here are the universal energy vibrations for the 12 calendar months of 2019, with some guidelines for each for the energy forces which you may have already noticed, or which are likely to be at play for us all collectively this year:

January was a 4 universal month
Summary: Hard work, discipline, organisation

February was a 5 universal month
Summary: Change, freedom, sex, travel

March was a 6 universal month
Summary: Responsibility, obligations, love, relationships, finances, business

April was a 7 universal month
Summary: Spirituality, introspection, intuition, the unconscious, study

May was a 8 universal month
Summary: Money (good or bad), reward, business, karma, personal power and power struggles

June was a 9 universal month
Summary: Completion, release, sacrifice, compassion, humanity, loss/rich reward

July was a 1 universal month
Summary: Fresh start, look for new opportunities, be courageous and self-sufficient.

August was a 11/2 universal month
Summary: World service, divine inspiration, humanitarian pursuits, inspirational teaching vibration, spirituality and psychic abilities. (It’s also recommended that you read the month 2 description for a full understanding of the 11 vibration).

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September is a 3 universal month
Summary: Self expression, new ideas, looking good, social, friendly, inner emotions. As we are currently in a universal 3 year, the energies this month will be even stronger and more potent, and therefore we can use them to our advantage even more easily and to greater impact if we work alongside them.

October is a 4 universal month
Summary: Hard work, discipline, organisation

November is a 5 universal month
Summary: Change, freedom, sex, travel

December is a 6 universal month
Summary: Responsibility, obligations, love, relationships, finances, business

I’d love to hear from you in the comments on how you’ve been experiencing the universal year 3 energies, as well as the universal monthly energies too – how have you seen these playing out in your reality? Let me know in the comments below!

Don’t forget, you can read more about Sacred Numerology, including how to calculate your personal year number and what that means, over in my earlier blog post here.

I hope this information on Sacred Numerology supports you in understanding how the different energetic vibrations we’re experiencing, both collectively and personally, can be used to help you as you continue to move forward on your Ascension journey.  

As always, leave a comment below to connect and let me know anything that’s opened up for you after reading this blog. Please feel free to share on social media and within your communities to help others on their Soul Evolution paths. We are here to ascend and thrive together!

Tune into my free live show “Ascension Talk With Ariella” which airs live on the first 3 Thursday’s of each month in my free Avatar Ascension Facebook community. Join me live, or on the replay, where you can ask questions concerning your journey and benefit from all things ascension related.

Sending so much love,

Ariella Indigo aka “The Oracle”

The Power Of Numerology: Calculate Your Personal Year (And What It Means For You)

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Dear Co-Creator,

Numerology is the metaphysical study of the relationship that numbers and letters have with our personality and key life events. Through numerology we can understand ourselves at a far deeper level and detect key cycles and energy patterns occurring in our lives.

Modern science has proven that everything in the universe is made up of energy vibration and numbers are no different. Every number (and letter) has its own vibration and can be seen as the building blocks of creation.


We are all uniquely identified by numbers and letters via our birth date and birth name. Our birth dates and birth names are no coincidence as it was the incarnating aspect of us (our soul) who chose these unique identifiers before we came to earth. It’s these aspects that hold the energy vibration and blueprints of our soul.

There are distinct energy vibrations which play out in our lives during different years and months, and when we understand what the characteristics of these energies are, then we can align ourselves with them much more easily and flow with the direction of our soul blueprint. When we are flowing in the same direction as our soul, magical synchronicities start to occur, doors fly open and life becomes a whole lot easier!

Like a nine-spoked karmic wheel in the sky, the energy patterns and major lessons our soul wishes for us to learn, goes around and around in cycles of 9. Each time we begin a new cycle of 9, the clock gets re-set and we align with the new forces and goals for the fresh cycle.

Any talents, lessons learnt and experience gained from the last cycle get carried over into the new energy decade, but equally any lessons not learnt get repeated again in a whole new guise, for us to become conscious of and hopefully transmute.

This is why it is so important to understand the energy themes of the years and months, so you can become aware of what is being presented to you and why.

Master Numbers

Outside of the cycle of 9 numbers sit certain numbers which are known as Master Numbers in numerology.  These Master numbers carry particularly powerful vibrations and when they are found they are not reduced down to a single digit like the other numbers are. There are different schools of thought on which numbers can be referred to as master numbers, but for me, the ones I tend to work with the most are: 11, 22 and 33.


Universal Year Number

Each Gregorian calendar year (2019, 2020 etc) has its own energy vibration. These are the themes that humanity is learning/experiencing as a collective. The universal year vibrations will be felt the strongest (compared to personal years and pinnacles).

How to calculate the universal year: Add the numbers of the relevant year together and then reduce down to a single digit (UNLESS it’s a master number) i.e. 2+0+1+9 = 12, 1+2 = 3

Personal Year Number

It’s crucial to know what your personal year is in order so that you can take advantage of the cosmic forces at play. In general, the universal year has more of an obvious impact on one’s life. However, the personal year is really important to understand, as it’s by combining the themes of BOTH yearly energies that you will understand how to be in harmony with the cosmic flow.

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How to calculate your personal year: Add the day of your birth to the calendar month of your birth, and then add that to the universal year. i.e. If your birth date is 7th June, then add 7+6 together = 13. Then, add this to the current universal year you are in, so for 2019 we are in a 3 universal year So, 13+3 = 16. 1+6 = Personal Year 7.

So now you’ve calculated your personal year number, and we know right now in 2019 we’re experiencing the collective universal year number 3. But what do these numbers actually mean? What kind of energies are associated with each number, and what themes can you expect to see playing out in your reality over the next few months? Below are some of the key words associated with each number, so you can take a look for yourself and meditate on how these may be affecting your experiences right now.  

  • 1 = Fresh start, new beginnings, lots of changes, independence, leadership, new opportunities, taking action & being courageous, moving home, personal style. Masculine energy = Creation through taking action

  • 2 = Cooperation, new friends, relationships, romantic interests, balance, emotions, intuition & psychic ability. Feminine energy = Creation through collaboration & intention

  •  3 = Creative expression, soul expansion, new ideas, looking good, being seen, being social, friendly, inner emotions. Teenager energy!

  • 4 = Hard work, discipline, organisation, learning your true identity, pushing limits, focusing on purpose, learning new skills, uplevelling. Masculine energy

  •  5 = Change, freedom, sexual exploration, travel, addictions/excess, communication, chaos, new creation. Androgynous energy

  • 6 =  Big shifts in business & finance, family, love, relationships, responsibility, alchemy, intuition, obligations, career changes, heart chakra wants to open. Mothering energy

  • 7 = Non physical vibration: spirituality, introspection, intuition, the unconscious, study, going on a pilgrimage/sacred quest, rest, DNA activations, contact with spirit guides, ascension acceleration. Seeker energy

  • 8 = Physical manifestation: money (gains and losses), reward, business, expansion, manifestation power, karmic equalizer, personal power, power struggles, digestive system and gaining weight

  • 9 = Completion, endings, energy release, sacrifice, compassion, intuition, humanitarian causes, losses, reward

Master Numbers

  • 11 = World service, divine inspiration, humanitarian pursuits, inspired teaching, spirituality and psychic abilities

  • 22 = Master Builder & Manifestor, achievement of big goals & dreams, heightened intuition, big potential, high intelligence

  • 33 = Master Teacher, imagination, optimism, effective communication, spiritual creation. Intuition is dialled up very high

There is so much more to talk about when it comes to Numerology! As well as looking at Universal and Personal month numbers, along with Universal and Personal year numbers, there’s also the Pinnacles and the lessons we learn as we move through them, the Life Path number and how this can influence our experiences and perspectives – you can probably tell I’m something of a numerology nut! This is a real passion of mine, so I hope you’ve found this introduction to understanding your personal year helpful and informative!!

Leave me a comment below and let me know - what personal year are you in? Can you see the energetic vibrations playing out in your reality? I love to hear from you :)

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