Last year I was divinely inspired to launch my Code of the Oracle certification training - which was actually born out of a problem I had been encountering - a problem which of course, my divine guidance had just the solution to help me overcome!
The problem is (and it's a great problem to have) that my mission has now grown so big, and I have so many clients, that I’m no longer able to personally serve them all.
This is where spirit stepped in and helped me to see that I have an incredible community all around me, many of you who are already ready and willing to help me!
So, how to find the right Oracles to help upgrade the Quantum Human Blueprint, and provide spiritual support, direction and guidance to those on the Ascension path? With more and more people awakening globally every day, I knew that demand for our spiritual services would only increase!
And so, The Code of the Oracle certification training was born.
Watching and guiding the first Oracles through this training has been such a joyful experience for me - not only do I get to follow my higher calling, doing what I LOVE every day and being in service to thousands globally - but now I get to pass on this wisdom and knowledge, so that together, we can create a whole legion of Oracles working together on this mission of a lifetime, helping to birth the New Human Evolution!
Now that the first fully certified Oracles have completed their training and begun using it to help serve in their missions, we caught up with a few of my alumni to find out more what it’s like to become a Quantum Creation Oracle - from someone who’s been through the whole experience themselves!
Linda van Etten, Quantum Creation Oracle
Linda van Etten
I enjoyed every bit of the Code of the Oracle programme. For me personally, it brought so much more clarity about what I have been creating for myself in this life time and also what is possible to create. It gave me more direction, and helped me big time in my own transformation process and in aligning to my own soul’s purpose.
It’s so empowering to see all the different aspects of your soul blueprint. Reading about those creation codes sets things in motion and you become more aware of who you are and what your gifts and talents are.
The part that surprised me the most was working with the pendulum. In the past I have tried that, but I never felt confident enough to rely on it. Now, I have bought myself a big wooden pendulum and that works as a charm. It’s my new best friend!
I loved doing the practice readings. The system is so accurate and it was such a joy bringing illumination and insights. It was difficult not to keep on sharing and sharing all the information about the soul blueprint with my clients!
The programme helped me in my confidence to be of service as an Oracle and it gave me structure and lots of information to work with clients, so that they can see who they really are and help them in their ascension journey. The Code of the Oracle programme provides you with everything that you need to give full soul purpose readings to clients and to truly be of service.
“I am now doing something I love which, I know, is contributing to humanity's evolution.”
-Marian Geddes, Quantum Creation Oracle
Marian Geddes, Quantum Creation Oracle
Marian Geddes
Ariella's Code of the Oracle certification programme is amazing. It has enabled me to bring my dream of a spiritually based business into reality.
I am now doing something I love which, I know, is contributing to humanity's evolution.
The Soul Purpose System is an incredibly powerful tool and has been an ascension accelerator for myself as I dive deeper into my own Creation Codes and develop my intuitive and psychic gifts as an Oracle.
It is so rewarding to see people light up when you reveal to them who they truly are and why they are here on the Earth plane at this time.
The Code of the Oracle course is clearly presented with videos and pdf's - all accessible on line with lifetime access. The ongoing support with live Q&A calls during the Certification process and interaction in the Private Self-Study Facebook Group is invaluable.
What I especially love is the bonus offered, once you have been certified, of an initiation enabling you to actually upgrade and restore your client’s Soul blueprint - this is the icing on the cake!
“Becoming a Certified Oracle has been nothing short of miraculous… it has given me confidence to move out into the world with clarity and intention to continue my own personal evolution; and in doing so, make a difference in the lives of others.”
-Marianna Kuhn, Quantum Creation Oracle
Marianna Kuhn, Quantum Creation Oracle
Marianna Kuhn
The Code of the Oracle Programme has been an expansive path that continues to support my soul and mission by understanding and loving myself first, so I can support others on their ascension journey.
This programme offers a deep dive into an ancient sacred numerology system full of wisdom, that helps uncover our soul gifts and identify own unique expression in this lifetime.
Learning the Soul Purpose system, how it compliments astrology, sacred numerology and other modalities were an unexpected surprise for me. Other highlights for me were learning to trust my own intuition and meeting my guides during the sacred journey’s Ariella took us on during the course.
Becoming a Certified Oracle has been nothing short of miraculous for me personally, as it has catalyzed me into a higher version of myself. Being certified has given me confidence to move out into the world with clarity and intention to continue my own personal evolution; and in doing so, make a difference in the lives of others.
I loved the journey to become a Certified Oracle so much, that before the course had ended, I enrolled in a longer journey with Ariella, starting with the Creation Code Initiate program! I am currently in her Quantum Business Creation course, further activating my soul blueprint, gaining valuable skills to expand and build a business with a strong foundation.
I highly recommend anyone who is considering becoming a Certified Oracle, to take the plunge and give yourself a gift that will illuminate your path & transform your journey. Ariella is a master teacher and catalyst. The course offers lots of support, ample resource material, and clear, concise steps to achieve your own personal intentions. This might include how to add your certification & compliment your established practice/service; or utilize your certification to catapult you into the service that your soul is calling you toward.
Thank you Ariella and Team – Forever grateful for this course and where it has led me to today.
It is such a joy, and so humbling, to hear how already the Code of the Oracle and our certified Quantum Creation Oracles are making such a difference in the lives of so many!
My guidance on this is clear: I’ve been deeply called to build a whole community of Oracles and Ascension Guides to help upgrade humanities blueprint, and provide spiritual support, direction and guidance to those on the awakening path.
This is FAR bigger than just you or me. The New Human race is being birthed - this is the Quantum Human revolution!!
And the wisdom I teach in the Code of the Oracle course HAS to be shared with others - I’ve received CLEAR guidance from Spirit on that.
If you’re feeling called to join the Quantum Human revolution and be trained by me to illuminate and upgrade people’s Blueprints so they can step into their next evolution - then click here to discover more and apply now.