🌠 These photos flashed up on my social media news feed recently, and they bring back so many memories....

4 years ago, I was in my 7 year and it was before my business was fully birthed...
We were living (and working) in the caravan. Travelling to festivals, doing 'Quantum Time Travelling Cacao Ceremonies' - I was giving tarot readings and we were (trying) to sell crystals...
It was an epic fail!!! 🤣
We came back from 3 festivals that year with almost as much stock we had bought (£2000 worth on credit cards), had to sell the surplus for minus cost price afterwards on eBay, I was going through a particularly sensitive stage on my Ascension process after having lots of DNA upgrades and just finding out I had entity attachments... I was totally stressed out, in fear and was struggling to be in all the busy crouds and wanted to escape from all the loud music.... 🔊🤮😱
I remember getting into a rage with Spirit after this festival... Went into pure victim for a while:
"Why me, I left corporate, I trusted, I followed, took the leap of faith, I'm nearly bankrupt with no sign of moving out of this caravan, where is my mission I've been shown, where are my gifts I've been promised, where are you Spirit and now this failure...." blah blah blah 🤬
It lasted maybe a day until I pulled myself the F together and remembered that no great hero or heroine gets to a place of greatness without a few epic failures and going through the tough places 💪🌠
So I kept moving forwards... Trusting my guidance and knowing that my story was leading me somewhere incredible....
One year later by spirit-led business takes off, we crush $240k in the first year and 2 years later we cross the $1m mark in contracts. 🔥💵🎉💰
I now serve a global community and I get to do what I LOVE every day 😍 I'm in massive service and get to create the type of impact that made me leave my 6 figure career in corporate in the first place 🌠
When I look back now, the caravan days were some of the best days of my life. Why? Because my character was getting moulded. Spirit never abandoned me, I was moulding myself into the powerful creator that I am today... It was such an exciting stage of my journey - to be in the state of wonder, the unknown, all the build up and anticipation.... 🤩
Today I love where I am in my journey. I feel super grateful to wake up in a house, in a bed, to have a higher purpose which is ignited in the world where I get to show up and serve thousands of people to help them step forwards into their greatness. 💪🌈
But it wasn't always like that. And the road got pretty dark and bleak at times. Many times I doubted, I fretted, I thought I would have to turn back.... When I went into $40k worth of debt trying to get my mission off the ground it REALLY brought up the fear.... But I kept going. I kept my faith. I was fully committed to follow Spirit ALL the way to the end. To tough it out and to find the gold that I knew was buried inside of me. 🌟
Now entities don't attach to me. Or if they do they ain't staying for long!! Today as a teacher of Quantum Dark Arts Defense Training they know that I KNOW who's boss and I got some serious sovereign shit going on 💯💥👽👻
So keep going. Past the tests. Past the fears. And past the initiations that YOU create.
It's called the hero's journey. It's not meant to be easy! But it is how you are going to ascend. I can also promise you that the pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow bridge is better than anything you can imagine 🌉🌈💰
Stay connected 🙏 Stay in TRUST and stay in faith 🙏 And above all, keep taking massive ALIGNED action... 💪💥🔥🚀
If you or someone you know could do with a leg up the Ascension ladder, and you are serious about getting down to business, then drop me a comment below and let's give you some Evolutionary rocket fuel 🚀💥🔥
Ariella ❤️
You can watch my recent live stream below, where I talk more about this personal experience on my Ascension journey - I hope it provides further illumination and insight to you on your path.
PS - I could never have got to where I am today on my mission & Ascension Journey without the help of good friends, family and GREAT mentors.
The type of mentors who refused to listen to me when I was holding myself small and believing I was anything less than God/Goddess/Source in a body.
It's thanks to the badass, successful, catalytic mentors like the one's I hired who operate on such a high level that I got to shift my reality in such a HUGE way like you'll read in my story... (like creating $1m in my second year kind of BIG shifts)...
And you know what? Don't get me wrong the money is GREAT, but it's not why I do what I do...
It's the IMPACT I love - the chance to make a REAL difference in people's lives and in the world...
I've got a few spots open THIS MONTH for a 20 minute Soul Purpose Activation Session - which are reserved for the few who are as COMMITTED as I was to stepping past the illusions and doing whatever it takes to birth your Higher Purpose. If you're one of them then CLICK HERE TO APPLY. We'll get back to you shortly. 🔥🚀