Is Thoth a Dark Overlord?


I think a lot of us have heard some very fear-based beliefs in spirituality. Whether it’s about people themselves being dark, whether it’s about Ascended masters or Archangels being dark, or whether it’s about the Illuminati, all of these conspiracy theories – even in the spiritual community – are coming from a place where the energy is fear-based. Because the truth is, that we are all one.

There is no separation. There is no light – dark. There is no good – bad.

My statues of Pan (left) and Thoth (right) on the altar at one of my recent Creation Code retreats.

My statues of Pan (left) and Thoth (right) on the altar at one of my recent Creation Code retreats.

As soon as we start thinking ‘is Thoth a dark overlord?’ we start going into that over-polarisation, that separation consciousness, that just takes us further and further into separation.

My personal view is that it’s ridiculous – and hilarious, at the same time, for there to be this view that Thoth or Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron – beautiful, highly evolved beings who are incredible presence aspects of the Divine – it’s crazy to me to hear that there are people who really believe that they are of the dark.

I’ve heard people claiming that they are part of the patriarchy, that they are actually fallen souls and that we should be scared of them. And I’ve spoken with clients of mine, clients who used to work with these energies, and had positive experiences. But because there are books - and I won’t talk about the teacher’s names as I don’t want to give it any more energy - but there are certain teachers and certain books out there which are channeled books which are talking about the Archangels and Ascended Masters not always being of the light, and they speak about how they are limited in their evolutionary growth.

Anything which is fear-based like this always gets my attention. And it gets my attention drawn to who’s mouth is it coming out of? Because it’s an aspect of them which is in fear, and that’s why they’re resonating with it.

The truth is that we’re all sovereign, we are all sovereign beings who can decide what does, and doesn’t merge with us. We never have anything to fear about any energy coming our way, and whether it’s ‘bad’ or not.

angel statue.jpg

Personally, I work with Thoth all the time, I work with the Archangels all the time, I have always had incredible, beautiful experiences and I’ve seen other people also have amazing experiences. Thoth works with me to help me upgrade and activate people’s Soul blueprints. The Archangel Metatron is the Archangel who looks after Starseeds, and Archangel Michael – who hasn’t called on Archangel Michael for protection at some time or another?! And he always does come.

So, I attended this event recently where there was a lot of talk about Thoth and some people were saying he is a dark overlord and that the emerald tablets, the wisdom which came from the emerald tablets was either not true, or they were also saying that Thoth had held back sharing vital information and he was given the knowledge and the power, but he didn’t share it. This is why they’re calling him a dark overlord. The theory is that we only know a fraction of the information through the emerald tablets, because there’s a lot of information he didn’t share.

When I really tuned into this and tuned into my guidance, the answer was clear. Yes, Thoth did hold back some information. But it wasn’t because it was an abuse of power. It’s because, when you are a HIGH, complete teacher, and when you are a God, as Thoth is, and when you’re teaching what are basically like kindergarten children on the Earth plane, you are not being a great teacher if you share Master’s Degree level information with those children, because they wouldn’t be able to understand it. Instead, he taught what was able to be taught at the time due to the consciousness of the planet. And Thoth actually knows that people are talking about him and saying that he’s a dark overlord, but he doesn’t feel that he needs to address it. Because it’s so not worth it!

We don’t want to start taking various icons or representations of the masculine and demonising them

And as far as Archangels Michael and Metatron are concerned – they are both very powerful, enlightened, beautiful Archangels. And I think we’re going a little bit too far now in society - I mean it’s incredible that it’s the return of the Divine Feminine and we all welcome that, and we welcome the shift away from the Patriarchy to this next era of Divine Love which the Divine Feminine is going to help bring in. But what we don’t want to do, is throw the baby out with the bathwater. We don’t want to start taking various icons or representations of the masculine and demonising them. We’re in danger of doing that, and that’s just as bad as demonising Mary Magdalene and all the women that Patriarchy has demonised. We don’t want to create the same mistakes again, and that’s what we’re in danger of doing with these archetypes or these beings, when we’re judging them and calling them ‘dark’.

This is a topic that I think is very prevalent in the spiritual community, I think it’s good that we talk about it. Because there’s one thing that’s true. There’s nobody outside of you, that’s trying to attack you. And it’s a form of separation when we start to project that outwards. So, the answer is always to go within. Where is the darkness within? Where is the separation within? That’s what needs to be healed. Forgiveness needs to be given to ourselves, and even if there might be an amend to make with someone else, that’s always good to do too – even if it’s Thoth!    

I think we really need to be careful about labeling things, people, deities as light/dark/good/bad – all of it. It’s a reflection that there is healing that needs to be done within ourselves, and that there are polarities within ourselves that are still pretty extreme.

Spirituality is about coming into our hearts, coming into faith, coming into trust, coming into love


So that’s what I wanted to share on this topic, and I want to invite us all to deepen our trust in the Divine, to know that we are 100% sovereign we are 100% protected, and to open our hearts and minds. Often there are things that we don’t understand, there are evolution stories in place that we don’t understand. So instead of thinking that Thoth is some dark overlord, it’s understanding that there is a much vaster story which is going on there, and I believe that things are always created with the highest good of the collective in mind.

Even in this time that we’re going through where everything is very turbulent - it’s because we are going through the end of one era, and a new one is about to start - and it’s always darkest before the dawn. So, we’re being called to keep love in our hearts, to keep trust and faith in the Divine, in what’s being created, and to know that it’s okay to love, it’s okay to trust.

Often when we have trust issues, we create these situations where we find ‘proof’ – of deities, people, situations, that confirm our limiting beliefs - so it’s like ‘Aha! I knew I couldn’t trust it!’ But spirituality is about coming into our hearts, coming into faith, coming into trust, coming into love. It’s not about creating more separation dramas within our own spirituality. It’s an opportunity to open to trust, to open to love, and to have our own experiences, be our own guides, and use our own guidance to tune in.


Instead of reading text (even channeled text) and taking on other people’s belief patterns – this is a lesson about discernment. We have to use our own discernment.

So I also invite you – if you’ve been working with Thoth, or with Archangels Michael or Metatron, to celebrate that beautiful connection and know that it’s okay to trust, it’s okay to love, and it’s okay to receive that support.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments! Please share your perspectives below <3

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