Why I Have Resigned As A Spiritual Teacher

I’m passionate about getting my soul-aligned peeps fully online and activated.

Because THAT’s how this shit's gonna happen on planet earth - and by that, I mean THE GREAT SHIFT -

Into the next era, the next evolution of consciousness, the MF golden aeon, whatever the fuck you want to call it. 

This being the case - I want to speak into what I see as THE NUMBER ONE BLOCK I see time and time again, holding people back, keeping them from being successful and playing small which is RIFE particularly in the Spiritual Community.

And this is after working with thousands, yes thousands of clients now -

And it’s the MAIN reason why I decided to resign as a Spiritual Teacher and have chosen to fully embody MY next level (outer) identity as a Success Coach who teaches DEEP energetic alignment AND killer strategy combined…

Because what I’ve witnessed in these past nearly 7 years of being a Ascension Guide & Spiritual Business Mentor to others, is that spiritual folks are REALLY good at raising in awareness, having circles and ceremonies and doing the inner work/self-discovery work -

But they are generally terrible at grounding their missions, making an impact, completing what they start, taking action and getting laser focused on ACHIEVING ACTUAL PHYSICAL RESULTS.

It strikes me, that if there really is a negative alien agenda going on (or some other ‘organised’ outward projected manifestation of fear from the spiritual collective) then the place where it's MOST rampant is within the spiritual community itself. Where it has disabled the vast majority of Souls into inaction, distraction, delusion, mind-control and convincing excuses on why they should by-pass creating tangible, measurable results in their lives and in their businesses.

From this vantage point, of both me and my team literally serving over 10,000 spiritual people PERSONALLY now with their vision, goals and direction, I have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to shift my focus to a new type of Client Avatar who has a proven track record of being ‘a focused, consistent, achiever and leader’ as their NUMBER 1 outer identity and them also being deep, conscious, aware AND potentially having spiritual beliefs as well, being the secondary factor of why we work together.

Because it is THOSE types of people who are going to impact while they are here. 

And I know that there ARE some of you in this community.

The committed ones, the action taking ones, the focussed ones, the consistent ones, the leaders who show up on a DAILY basis and who are capable of implementing what they’re learning (not next week, next month or next year, but NOW, TODAY), and do the MF work while getting out of their own way so they can actually BE OF SERVICE TO THE WORLD.

So if you too are sick of continuously sitting around in spiritual circles, navel gazing, and watching everyone around you get high on awareness alone while egos gets massaged by high and lofty ideals of how amazing we ‘could be’, what (apparent) past lives we’ve have had as Kings or Queens or Magicians or Witches, and how we could all be the embodiment of Jesus Christ, Lady Nada or any other distorted delusion -

Then give me a shout. 

And we’ll get down to THE REAL business of activating YOU. THE REAL YOU, so you can be of service.

So you can be successful, make an impact, take home a fuck-tonne of money WHILE having high integrity & values, and sit on your throne. Not as a King or Queen in a past-life, but as a King or Queen in THIS life.

You. Fully online. Fully activated. The best, most successful, most impactful version OF YOU.

And yes, it will involve taking action. And LOTS of it. But from a place of alignment & flow & knowing that if you are really serious about contributing to The Shift, then we’ve all got to roll up our sleeves and get down to business.

Give me a shout if that’s you.

Remember - you are here to rule YOUR world.


P.S. This arrived in my inbox this morning. We were awarded 'Top Business Donor' in 2021 by Work For Good who are the official agents for The Samaritans Charity (front line mental health workers) who we raised £21,000 (about $30,000) for last year.

Because I took action and grounded my vision physically. I didn’t just meditate on it or write about it in my journal and then sat ruminating on it - I downloaded from Soul and then created a whole 3 day event last year where we raised money for mental health.

This isn’t about me, but it is about actually contributing to The Shift while you are here.

Ready to take focussed action? Then email me on support@ariellaindigo.com and let me know where you’re at and what you’re wanting to create in your mission and business in 2022.

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