THE DEEP BURN đŸ”„ đŸ”„ đŸ”„

Inside of you there is a deep fire that runs so very deep. It’s rooted in your CORE and it’s rooted in SOUL TRUTH.

This fire rages inside of you and try as you may to dampen it, to squash or suppress it with a blanket, THERE IS NO HOSE, NO FORCE, NO AMOUNT OF WATER OR SOCIAL CONDITIONING THAT COULD EVER PUT YOUR FLAME OUT.

You may run from it, hide from it, deny it or doubt it, but it’s there at the heart of you, waiting, WILLING, YEARNING for you to strike the match.

But you don’t. You’re ‘too spiritual’ to react.

You’ve fallen for the depressing soul sucking dogma and the sick AF spiritual conditioning.

“It’s not divinely feminine”
“Respond, don’t react”
“Come from a place of love always”
“Anger is a low vibrational state”
“Seek to be in joy & bliss”
“There is ONLY unconditional love”

So then if you DO believe in unconditional LOVE, then why aren’t you loving ALL OF YOU?

As a powerful Creator/Creatrix, you get to giveth live abundantly and you get to burn burn burn it away.


The fire inside of you that burns so bright - is so beautiful - so original - so unstoppable - unshakable - and unique.

It’s the transformational power of the cosmos working through you.

But yet you are weak.

You want to conform, you want to be accepted, you want to fit into a spiritual mould that has been created to keep you living a shallow, superficial existence.

You allow yourself to be affected by outside circumstances, influences and people.

You think it’s more acceptable to be like WATER, because you FEAR THE FIRE/POWER INSIDE OF YOU.

The unpredictability of Creation moving through you. What stays, what goes, the chaos, the destruction, the inner internal combustion.

THE LIFE. The NEW life that is born. You once had your wings stolen from you, you got burnt but now you created NEW WINGS for you to soar with.

To greater heights, higher heights - so high they could scare you. If you weren’t rooted in your core and your soul truth.

I see you. Because I see myself in you.

I too have been afraid of heights, afraid of my power, afraid of my fire.

On so many occasions the fire nearly destroyed me and destroyed my life in general.

And not just me, but because I channel the cosmos & connect with supernatural power, then DARK FORCES can overtake me, possess me, work their twisted ways through me. And have done. It's a scary place to be.

So yeah, I reached for that fire hose. I took the fucking blanket. I signed up for a half-life where I managed to stub some of the fire out.

“Better that way”
“Less damage that way”
“More chance of happiness and success that way”
“People will accept me and love me more that way”

But that’s not mastery.

And that’s not fully trusting yourself.

It’s giving away your power and accepting a life which is okay, even good/great, but let’s face it, for a CREATRIX, it’s simply mediocre.

You're bored. I was bored. It’s dull AF not to be fully expressed.

If we came here to be tamed and suppressed then the best place for you to be is to continue to tune into and listen to flakey flakey whimsy washy BS from the spiritual community.

Most Spiritual Teachers tell you what they THINK you want to hear, not what they ACTUALLY think. They talk about unconditional love but they talk about it in a way that disarms you, dampens you, makes you give your power away. Because there is a wound inside of you playing out.

So you get shat on from great heights, you don't move the needle, you stop DOING THE THINGS YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD BE DOING and choose to be in servitude instead.

“Let’s just BE”. Let's all mother fucking JUST BE.


Then, EVEN WHEN you channel super-natural power from the Cosmos, it will work to TRANSFORM, not taketh away. How can it not, it’s DIVINE power. It comes from a place of WHOLENESS IN YOURSELF - and it’s called Deep Trust & Self Mastery.

I don’t know about you, but when I sit around all day meditating and not getting THE GOOD SHIT DONE, going off into prolonged spaces where the twinkly twinkly stars are and where I get the feeling (the illusion) of love, but my reality has not changed ONE JOT and I’m still broke, still disconnected, still un-activated and still not creating an impact - THAT’S WHEN I KNOW I HAVE NOT YET FULLY ACTIVATED & ACCEPTED MYSELF.

Because if I had, if YOU had, then you’d be where you’d need to be: RULING THE WORLD.

A Queen/King on the throne. The God/Goddess. The Empress/Emperor. The Creator/Creatrix. The True Source.

It IS about Self Love. But it’s not a kumbaya. It’s about accepting THE DEEP BURN AS YOUR GATEWAY INTO ALL THAT YOU ARE.

And then going there. NOW. TODAY.


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