It’s the things that you DAREDN’T believe about yourself , that most often are true.
Or the things that scare you the most, confront you the most, or feel the most overwhelming to you, that hold THE KEY to unlocking your inner Gold.
I’ve just spent 3 amazing days with a group of soul-led entrepreneurs helping them to get into flow. They now have their guidance on how to create $10k+ consistent months from a place of authenticity, alignment, creativity and flow.
I love hearing about and witnessing the transformations that happen at these events. The light-bulbs go on, the creativity surges, the re-connection to ones own truth and channel.
You see that’s how I roll. No money or business strategy will work until you’ve activated your Soul Blueprint. And by that I mean, get hooked back into YOU.
It reminds me of a time before I’d gone through my own transformation, when I became Ariella Indigo. I’d always been smart, quick, personable and capable - which meant I always got the job when I went for an interview!
It was a gift and quite honestly it was a curse. Because the lucrative job offers I got kept me away from actually mining my TRUE Soul Gold for many years. The higher the pay checks got, the more my comfort zone increased. And what was weird was that not only was my money going up and up, but so was my freedom too!
As a contractor, a consultant, who could work from anywhere, it DID at times feel like I’d hit the jack pot and that I ‘should’ feel lucky and blessed.
But the thing is I didn’t feel that way. Not at all. In fact I felt like a fraud and there was a huge discontent inside.
I could certainly pretend to enjoy my well paid corporate job and I knew how I needed to APPEAR in order for my bosses to think I was a genuinely motivated member of the team, but the truth was I wasn’t. I wasn’t at all.
I’d be skiving off whenever I could, distracting myself with ANYTHING to ease this gnawing boredom and DISCONNECTION with my Soul.
The 6 figure income I was taking home and the lifestyle I had, felt ridiculous compared to the minimal effort I was putting in and the dispassion I felt for my career.
Party, party. Party some more. Eat something sweet, have a load of carbs. Numb out and keep the inner turmoil at bay.
Hit someone up on messenger who’s as bored as I am and is faking it like I am, take the piss, have a laugh and try to entertain ourselves while the clock on the wall goes tick tick tick.
Go out for a fag, chat some shit. Have a coffee, walk around the office or street. Hire out a meeting room, pretend to be having a meeting. Surf the internet instead.
Monotony. Monotony. Soul sucking, life draining fake career.
The worst thing is this can happen EVEN WHEN you've taken the plunge and left your soul-sucking career!
And then you know you really are F'd. After investing and learning a load of modalities, thinking that you've found your gold, only to find the same gnawing, growing monotony emanating from your Soul....
Distract yourself and numb yourself some more. Do ANYTHING to not feel what you know you can't feel and face into the abyss.
“It’s not the right time”
“I don’t have the money yet”
“I don’t know what to do”
“I haven’t got the clarity yet”
"This SHOULD feel better"
"This SHOULD be easier"
"Where is the flow?"
Wait, wait. Wait some more. “I’ll leave WHEN”. "It'll be better WHEN". When what? When the money’s come in.
When I feel safer. When the time's right. When I have the path laid out in gold in front of me.
Of course I tried that. And failed. It just added MORE tension, MORE stress, MORE pressure.
So even when I DID get some additional funds coming in - I felt sooooooo sick, sooooooo tired, sooooooo drained, sooooooo ILL, I couldn’t even THINK about using that money wisely and pouring it into my TRUE ALIGNED, PURPOSEFUL career. I just spunked it up the wall in overindulgence and went travelling instead! Hey, I needed a rest!!!
The trick is to TRANSITION & BUILD A BRIDGE. To trust and follow your guidance, JUMP, and let the path appear.
ALWAYS when you follow TRUE guidance, always you are safe.
But WE have to be the ones who take the initiative. To believe in and head towards our wildest dreams. That's the same for if you are still in the 9-5, or have transitioned but you know you've not yet 'landed' or made it.
If you can see it, sense it, feel it (even the most remote ESSENCE of ‘it’) then ‘it’ exists.
And I should know. It’s how I became a Mage and unlocked my higher abundance.
So now I help others to do the same. To return home to their true selves and live their Sacred Destinies with ALL the pizzazz, magic and then some!
Wanna journey back home to the true YOU?
Ready for your Rebirth ?
Ariella xx
P.S. Transforming and emerging into ALL of you certainly takes guts, tenacity and leaps of faith.