I’m calling forward 9 HIGH LEVEL, BOLD & COURAGEOUS LEADERS to work privately with me as part of a highly energised container over the 6 week inferno. 9 initiates who KNOW they came here to rule the world & who AREN’T afraid to admit they want to win at EVERYTHING, and win BIG on ALL levels.
We’re getting down n dirty into the godforsaken business of activating YOU, because deep in your soul you know there’s no one SMARTER, more POWERFUL than you, more capable of SUCCEEDING and LEADING than you.
In this 6 week DEEP BURN into your most terrifying, darkest abyss, where RAGE is your only futile means of reprieve and escape - you’re going to BE held to the FIRE PLATE OF YOUR SOUL until you submit & surrender - before you emerge transformed, transfigured into who you were always meant to become, scorched, re-melded, re-solidified & plugged back into your CORE TRUTH.
This is a rebirth initiation like no other, designed to fire up and activate ALL that you are, so you can access super-flow, success, love, creativity, health, wealth, supernatural power & IMPACT from a place of ALIGNMENT, INTEGRITY & OHHHHH FUCK YES.
And you better believe it bitch, I’m gonna give you as much HELL FIRE as you can handle and we’re gonna use it to burn your fucking name into the eternal.
Because, who you’ve been until this point is NOT FUCKING ENOUGH. And no amount of bullshit sugar coating self-acceptance will do.
You know you are here for more. MUCH MORE. A FAR GREATER version of YOU is waiting to come through. And in this 6 week container we’re gonna birth your SOUL MONSTER into the world. By burning the old worn out you to the ashes, so THE REAL YOU can rise up from the flames.
APPLICATION TO THE DEEP BURN IS HERE. ENROL BEFORE 23rd December to get a special discount.
The investment reflects EVERYTHING you need to DO & BE in this high level private mentoring container to become YOU.
So listen up, you fiery mother fucker! KNOW THIS:
Inside of you there is a deep fire that runs so very deep. It’s rooted in your CORE and it’s rooted in SOUL TRUTH.
This fire rages inside of you and try as you may to dampen THE FLAMES, to squash THEM or suppress THEM with a blanket, THERE IS NO HOSE, NO FORCE, NO AMOUNT OF WATER, OR SPIRITUAL CONDITIONING THAT COULD EVER PUT YOUR FIRE OUT.
You may run from it, hide from it, deny it or doubt it, but it’s there at the heart of you, waiting, WILLING, YEARNING for you to strike the match.
When it comes to CLAIMING YOUR FIRE, have you fallen for the depressing soul sucking dogma and the sick AF conditioning especially present within the spiritual community??
“It’s not divinely feminine”
“Respond, don’t react”
“Come from a place of love always”
“Anger is a low vibrational state”
“Seek to be in joy & bliss”
“There is ONLY unconditional love”
So if you DO believe in unconditional LOVE, then why aren’t you loving ALL OF YOU?
As a powerful Creator/Creatrix, you get to giveth live abundantly and you get to burn burn burn it away.
The fire inside of you that burns so bright - is so beautiful - so original - so unstoppable - unshakable - and unique.
It’s the transformational power of the cosmos working through you.
But yet you are weak.
You want to conform, you want to be accepted, you want to fit into a mold that has been created to keep you living a shallow, superficial existence.
You allow yourself to be affected by outside circumstances, influences and people.
You think it’s more acceptable to be like WATER, because you FEAR THE FIRE/POWER INSIDE OF YOU.
The unpredictability of Creation moving through you. What stays, what goes, the chaos, the destruction, the inner internal combustion.
THE LIFE. The NEW life that is born. You had your wings stolen from you, you got burnt, but now you created NEW WINGS for you to soar with.
To greater heights, higher heights - so high they could scare you. If you weren’t rooted in your core and your soul truth.
I see you. Because I see myself in you.
I too have been afraid of heights, afraid of my power, afraid of my fire.
On so many occasions the fire nearly destroyed me and destroyed my life in general.
And not only me, but because I channel the cosmos & connect with supernatural power, then DARK FORCES can overtake me, possess me, work their twisted ways through me. And have done. It's a scary place to be.
So yeah, I reached for that fire hose. I took the fucking blanket. I signed up for a half-life where I managed to stub some of the fire out.
“Better that way”
“Less damage that way”
“More chance of happiness and success that way”
“People will accept me and love me more that way”
But that’s not mastery.
And that’s not fully trusting yourself.
It’s giving away your power and accepting a life which is okay, even good/great, but let’s face it, for a LEADER like you, it’s simply mediocre.
Admit it. You're bored. It’s dull as fuck not to be fully expressed.
THEN, WHEN you’re in Mastery, ESPECIALLY when you channel super-natural power from the Cosmos, it will work to TRANSFORM, not taketh away.
Back to you being a Queen/King on the throne. The God/Goddess. The Empress/Emperor. The Creator/Creatrix. The True Source.
It IS about Self Love. But it’s not a kumbaya. It’s about accepting THE DEEP BURN AS YOUR GATEWAY INTO ALL THAT YOU ARE.
It’s time to burn away your mask.
You may think you’ve done well, and let’s face it, you are a lot further along than most, but you know there’s so much more to come.
You’ve lost some of the very magic that fuelled you in the first place to create all this. Which was:
Your Creative Fire & Edge.
And in losing this you’ve become disconnected from your life-force.
You’ve spent time, energy and a WHOLE LOT of emotional, energetic and financial investment into becoming who you are today, you ‘did it’ and you built it WELL, but you know if you keep on walking down the same old path you’ll just be SELLING YOUR SOUL. Prostituting out your integrity.
It’s time to burn it. To burn it ALL away.
THE DEEP BURN is not necessarily about burning ALL of your creations down to the ground (although a few bonfires here and there for us inner arsonists is only fair) - it’s about finding the fire INSIDE of YOU, reigniting it and going there.
Then everything then must shift to that new frequency and what doesn’t - simply extinguishes, falls away.
My new creation: THE DEEP BURN is here. It starts 2nd week of Jan. It’s an ALL IN high level MF programme for ALL IN MF people.
Because be in no doubt:
I’m gonna burn your house down.
Meaning alllll thAT faulty wiring you got going on.
Get your bible and prayer mat out. You’re gonna need it.
After 23rd December 2021 I’m putting the price up, so say YES today.
Your Initiation Includes:
✔️ Private text/audio directly with me for 6 weeks
✔️Energetic and physical fire activations
✔️ Wild card initiations & assignments
✔️Weekly group zoom meetings laid out thus:
Week #1, Initiation #1: Stop Being A Dick!
Uncover all the BS stories you’ve got running that keep you from being as successful as you could be, as authentic, as free, and as fully fucking expressed when you decide to be ALL OF YOU.
Week #2, Initiation #2: Mirror Mirror On The Wall
“Who is the greatest MF Queen/King of all?”. Today we plug you back into YOUR SOURCE CONNECTION by seeing who you ARE, so you can re-claim your rightful seat on your throne.
Week #3, Initiation #3: Pick Your Alchemy Weapon Of Choice
This week we’re setting you up for success on how you’re gonna alchemise the crapola that’s been blocking you. With my expert guidance, you’ll create the perfect switch that’ll help you BREAKTHROUGH.
Week #4, Initiation #4: CLEAN UP YOUR SHIT & Transmute MF!
It’s time to get down to the REAL business of becoming YOU. This week I take you to the fire and I hold you firmly on the HOT PLATE OF YOUR SOUL so we burn burn burn all the dross away.
Week #5, Initiation #5: Go Big Or F*ck Off Home, Biatch!
Have you got what it takes to go the distance? Or are you too spineless and weak? In week 6 I get SERIOUS on what it takes to PERMANENTLY slide into the next level MF version of you. Warning! This is NOT one for the cry babies!
Week #6, Initiation #6: Rebirth, Resurrection & Celebration 🎉
You made it to completion, congrats! Now you’re one transformed MF Queen/King back on your throne, we’re gonna bring you back to life & resurrect your arse: IN STYLE!!
If you haven’t already noticed, I’m one fiery mother fucking bitch who loves to burn the dross away.
I’ve made multiple millions $ since 2015 “BEING ME” after leaving my high flying job in corporate & living in a caravan (trailer).
I help the A Grade/A-List Leaders, Distruptors, the Rich, the Powerful, the Influential, the Famous, to be who they’ve always come here, FULLY ALIGNED WITH THEIR SOUL so they can do what they’re here to do, which is: To Rule The World.
As a Creator/Creatrix, I LOVE to create. New stuff, random stuff, shit that feels exciting, fresh, creative, connected, aligned to my truth.
As a Messenger, I LOVE to communicate. Speaking, writing & preaching! And I don’t mean just ‘teach’ (although I like that occasionally too), I mean express my core essence & LEAD.
As a transformer, I hate to be static. I hate to stand still. I hate feeling held back by anyone or anything internal or external. That I have to slow down, or stick to one thing for ages consistently.
I like to become NEW. Repeatedly. To reinvent who I am. To burn away what’s no longer in integrity, thus stepping into the vastness of the fresh energy/space it creates. Then exploring that. And seeing how it activates me.
Maybe you are the same.
Or maybe right now you’re in that OUT of integrity place that I described. You’ve sold your soul for less than who you are. You’ve prostituted yourself and your integrity.
Only you can decide if it’s temporary.
Investment reflects EVERYTHING you need to DO & BE in this high level private mentoring container to become YOU. A special discount is available when you enrol before 23rd December.